
Hi !

Ich lese immer wieder Begriffe die eine bestimmte Art von
Benutzer/Schreiberling/etc. beschreiben, habe aber bis jetzt
noch keine Definition gelesen.
Was sind:

  • Trolls ?
  • Flamer ?

Gibt´s irgendwo eine Seite mit noch mehr Definitionen
dieser Art ?



Hallo Ingo,

wenn Dir auch englische Definitionen der gesuchten Begriffe weiterhelfen: voila!

Flamers are people you meet on the Internet, usually in chats or newsgroups that intentionally write posts or chat messages directed towards other users to inflame them. The posts or chat are usually directed towards one or two users, but all other users get angry reading the posts. The content of the posts are usually abusive attacks toward the other user, containing hate speech, inappropriate conduct and personal references.

Trolls intentionally post content that instigates other users to reply in an abusive manner. The usual result is that the Troll will report you to your ISP for abusive conduct and your ISP may cancel or terminate your account.

Snerts are usually younger in age, and usually don’t realize that what they’re doing can cause them to lose their account. Some intentionally post material as a flamer or Troll does, but without the understanding that they risk a loss of the ISP. The original name Snert, stands for „snot-nosed egotistical rotten teenager“.

Und dann gibt es noch den Elch; das ist ein Super-DAU (aber einer hoch drei!). *ggg*

Viele Grüße


OK, vielen Dank, jetzt seh´ ich klarer.
