offenbar dient Orwells Klassiker (1984) als Grundlage für die Terrorbekämpfung. Wie ist sonst dieser Artikel zu erklären:
Staples in Colrain, MA
Perhaps this story has something to do with the fact that Fox News has been scaring the crap out of Americans with the prominent „TERROR ALERT HIGH!“ banner they’ve been displaying 24/7 for the last month. Julie Olearcek of Colrain, MA, got quite a fright recently when, as she was relaxing at home, a state trooper shone a flashlight through her window. And why did he do this? Simply because Julie had inquired about flight simulation software for her ten-year-old son at the local Staples store, and after she left they called the police. Nice going, idiots. Julie Olearcek is a 15-year Air Force Reserve pilot, her husband is also a pilot (who is currently on active duty), and their son is naturally keen to follow in the family footsteps. Not that that should make any difference - there are hundreds of thousands of avid flight simmers across the country. But for some reason the staff at Staples in Colrain seem to have been instructed to report to the police anyone buying flight sim software - or even showing an interest in buying flight sim software - despite the fact that Staples in Colrain STILL SELLS FLIGHT SIM SOFTWARE! I mean, if they’re that worried about terrorists using PC flight sim software to train themselves to a proficient enough level where they can fly a plane into, I dunno, the Colrain Dollar Store, why don’t they just take the damn software off the damn shelves? Or is it now company policy to waste the police’s time making them follow up on every single person who expresses an interest in this popular hobby? Fer crying out loud…
Kurz zusammengefasst: Die Polizei schaut bei einer Familie vorbei, weil sie sich im örtlichen Shop nach eine Flugsimulator Software für den 10-jährigen Sohn erkundigt hatte. Nebenbei: beide Eltern sind Air Force Piloten!
Nebenbei: hier der Link dazu (es ist die Nr. 8): http://www.democraticunderground.com/top10/index.html
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