Datum formatieren

Ich habe ein Datum aus meiner Access Datei ausgelesen, die wird aber im Amerikanischem Format ausgegeben. Ich habe jetzt versucht mit FormatDateTime() es zu formatieren, aber ich erhalte nicht die Formatierung die ich haben will, welche ungefähr so aussehen sollte: „18/5/01“. Wie kann ich das machen?



Zeit und Datumsformat auf Deutsch umstellen.




[Bei dieser Antwort wurde das Vollzitat nachträglich automatisiert entfernt]

siehe Quelltext unten. Das sollte Dir weiterhelfen :smile:

Viele Grüsse


Function ConvDate(strDate, strFormat)

 Dim intPosItem
 Dim intHourPart
 Dim strHourPart
 Dim strMinutePart
 Dim strSecondPart
 Dim strAMPM

 If not IsDate(strDate) Then
 ConvDate = strDate
 Exit Function
 End If

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%m")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 DatePart("m",strDate) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%m")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%b")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 MonthName(DatePart("m",strDate),True) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%b")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%B")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 MonthName(DatePart("m",strDate),False) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%B")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%d")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 DatePart("d",strDate) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%d")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%j")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 DatePart("y",strDate) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%j")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%y")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 Right(DatePart("yyyy",strDate),2) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%y")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%Y")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 DatePart("yyyy",strDate) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%Y")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%w")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 DatePart("w",strDate,1) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%w")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%a")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 WeekDayName(DatePart("w",strDate,1),True) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%a")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%A")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 WeekDayName(DatePart("w",strDate,1),False) & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%A")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%I")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 intHourPart = DatePart("h",strDate) mod 12
 if intHourPart = 0 then intHourPart = 12
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 intHourPart & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%I")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%H")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strHourPart = DatePart("h",strDate)
 if strHourPart \< 10 Then strHourPart = "0" & strHourPart
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 strHourPart & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%H")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%M")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strMinutePart = DatePart("n",strDate)
 if strMinutePart \< 10 then strMinutePart = "0" & strMinutePart
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 strMinutePart & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%M")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%S")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strSecondPart = DatePart("s",strDate)
 if strSecondPart \< 10 then strSecondPart = "0" & strSecondPart
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
 strSecondPart & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%S")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%P")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 if DatePart("h",strDate) \>= 12 then
 strAMPM = "PM"
 strAMPM = "AM"
 End If
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & strAMPM & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%P")

 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%%")
 Do While intPosItem \> 0
 strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & "%" & \_
 Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
 intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%%")

 ConvDate = strFormat

End Function

To use to include file function, add the HTML comment tag to reference the inc. file, then use the ConvDate function as defined below: 

strFormattedDate = ConvDate (dtmDate, strFormat)
where dtmDate should be a Date variable
and strFormat should be a template for the output date as detailed below.

Template Description Examples:

%m Month as a decimal no. 02
%b Abbreviated month name Feb
%B Full month name February
%d Day of the month 23
%j Day of the year 54
%y Year without century 98
%Y Year with century 1998
%w Weekday as integer 5 (0 is Sunday)
%a Abbreviated day name Fri
%A Weekday Name Friday
%I Hour in 12 hour format 12
%H Hour in 24 hour format 24
%M Minute as an integer 01
%S Second as an integer 55
%P AM/PM Indicator PM
%% Actual Percent sign %% 
The following example, converts a US date, dteUSDate, to a European date format, strEuroDate.