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Viele Grüsse
Function ConvDate(strDate, strFormat)
Dim intPosItem
Dim intHourPart
Dim strHourPart
Dim strMinutePart
Dim strSecondPart
Dim strAMPM
If not IsDate(strDate) Then
ConvDate = strDate
Exit Function
End If
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%m")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
DatePart("m",strDate) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%m")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%b")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
MonthName(DatePart("m",strDate),True) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%b")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%B")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
MonthName(DatePart("m",strDate),False) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%B")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%d")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
DatePart("d",strDate) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%d")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%j")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
DatePart("y",strDate) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%j")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%y")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
Right(DatePart("yyyy",strDate),2) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%y")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%Y")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
DatePart("yyyy",strDate) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%Y")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%w")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
DatePart("w",strDate,1) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%w")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%a")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
WeekDayName(DatePart("w",strDate,1),True) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%a")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%A")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
WeekDayName(DatePart("w",strDate,1),False) & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%A")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%I")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
intHourPart = DatePart("h",strDate) mod 12
if intHourPart = 0 then intHourPart = 12
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
intHourPart & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%I")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%H")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strHourPart = DatePart("h",strDate)
if strHourPart \< 10 Then strHourPart = "0" & strHourPart
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
strHourPart & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%H")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%M")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strMinutePart = DatePart("n",strDate)
if strMinutePart \< 10 then strMinutePart = "0" & strMinutePart
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
strMinutePart & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%M")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%S")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strSecondPart = DatePart("s",strDate)
if strSecondPart \< 10 then strSecondPart = "0" & strSecondPart
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & \_
strSecondPart & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%S")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%P")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
if DatePart("h",strDate) \>= 12 then
strAMPM = "PM"
strAMPM = "AM"
End If
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & strAMPM & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%P")
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%%")
Do While intPosItem \> 0
strFormat = Left(strFormat, intPosItem-1) & "%" & \_
Right(strFormat, Len(strFormat) - (intPosItem + 1))
intPosItem = Instr(strFormat, "%%")
ConvDate = strFormat
End Function
\<B\>Hilfe zum Aufruf:\</B\>
To use to include file function, add the HTML comment tag to reference the inc. file, then use the ConvDate function as defined below:
strFormattedDate = ConvDate (dtmDate, strFormat)
where dtmDate should be a Date variable
and strFormat should be a template for the output date as detailed below.
Template Description Examples:
%m Month as a decimal no. 02
%b Abbreviated month name Feb
%B Full month name February
%d Day of the month 23
%j Day of the year 54
%y Year without century 98
%Y Year with century 1998
%w Weekday as integer 5 (0 is Sunday)
%a Abbreviated day name Fri
%A Weekday Name Friday
%I Hour in 12 hour format 12
%H Hour in 24 hour format 24
%M Minute as an integer 01
%S Second as an integer 55
%P AM/PM Indicator PM
%% Actual Percent sign %%
The following example, converts a US date, dteUSDate, to a European date format, strEuroDate.
\<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""--\>
response.write dteUSDate
strDay = ConvDate(dteUSDate, "%d")
strMonth = ConvDate(dteUSDate, "%m")
strYear = ConvDate(dteUSDate, "%Y")
strEuroDate = strDay & "/" & strMonth & "/" & strYear
response.write strEuroDate