Liebe English-Community,
ich schreibe eine E-Mail an meine English-Dozentin aus Kanada und möchte ungern peinliche Fehler im Satzbau etc. Könnt ihr mir kurz ein Feedback geben ggf. auf meine Fehler hinweisen?
Ihr sieht unten ihre Nachricht und darüber meine mögliche Antwort.
Vielen Dank schonmal
Dear Olga,
thank you for your E-Mail! I am satisfied with the mark. You can keep the mark on the certificate.
If I still can take a look it will be good, if not also fine.
Can you tell me when can I pick up my certificate and where?
Wish you a nice weekend
Zitat von Olga Koch
Dear Max,
I am writing to you to inform you that you could achieve 81% in your
written test including 30 points for your active participation in my
class. Your final mark is 2.3-„good“.You can take a look at your mistakes in the secretary room
116.Allende Platz 1. I’m going to bring all tests there this coming
Thursday in the afternoon.Please confirm that you have received my email and would like to keep
your mark on the certificate.thank you.
My kind regards