Guten Nachmittag
Ich werde in einer Woche einen Vortrag abhalten. Vor solchen Dingen bin ich generell nervös und wenn es dann noch Englisch ist, was nicht gerade zu meinen Stärken zählt, umso mehr.
Ich wäre ungemein dankbar, wenn ihr mich auf Fehler hinweise könnte, denn ich bin mir sicher, es hat sehr viele davon.
Vielen Dank, Gruss Marc
About my person
Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Marc.
Please let me also welcome you to our presentation.
I will give you some information about my working experience and the function within the team.
Before I established this company with the other two people I studied civil engeenering and worked later in an engineering office, before I worked for the Brun AG, which is specialized on prefabricated pillar, stakes engineering, staircases and different structural engineering.
In our newly established company I’m responsible for the product development and the static calculations.
I will speak for about thirty minutes. I’ve divided my talk into four main parts. Firstly I will descripe the modular building system. Then I will talk about the student home situation. After that I will move on to our product range. Finally I will give you background information about the manufacture process.
Ok, let’s begin with the first point, by giving an overview of modular building.
Ok, let’s begin with the first point, by giving an overview of modular building.
Modular building is defined as a method of construction that “utilized pre-engineered-facricated structured in three-dimensional sections that are transported to be tied together on a site.
The concept of Modular building dating back to Egypt’s Great Pyramids and the Stonehege building. Designing, shaping, transporting, lifting, raising and precisely connecting components together was already use by these wonders of the world.
Modular buildings have a wide variety of uses.
Modern life requires different building concepts. Never before have people been moving so often in one lifetime, making living spaces more temporary than permanent. Additionally, that space needs to be able to adjust quickly to new circumstances, like economic cycles, the environment, work or personal needs.
Modular building systems will be used for either long-term temporary or permanent facilities, such as classrooms, Office, Catering, Resident Modul, Sanitary, Gateway, Labor, Medicine, Special Building, Mobile Building, Holiday Apartment, Storage or Security and Control buildings.
Modular buildings are also a perfect solution in remote and rural areas where conventional construction may not be reasonable or even possible.
As you can see the possible use of modular buildings are nearly endless.
Famous example fort companies which erect their commercial building in modular building system are Aldi, Lidl, Coop and Mc Donald.
In today’s life we are all the time on the way and must be flexible. Therefore Temporary modular building has became more significant than ever.
There are a lot of other reasons that have contributed to the steady growth of the module market in the last few years. I will illustrate / show this …
One reason is the punctuality.
Because 80% of the building process is conducted in the factory it’s much easier to adhere to the schedule because the works aren’t influence by the weather and other unpredictable factors.
The prefabrication and the efficient production processes allows 50% time saving.
Another important reason to choice the modular construction is the quality.
Modules and building components are built in a controlled environment, that has a positive effect on the construction quality.
Another advantage of modular construction is the material waste minimizing and polution and noice reduction.
The number of students which need an accomdation change every year. Therefore it’s very important that the rooms are flexbility. When the needs change, modular buildings can be dissambled and the modules relocated or refurbished for their next use reducing the demand of raw material and minimizing the amount of energy expenditure.
Environment/Sustainability: Modular Building has also other advantages: Material waste is minimized, because it’s possible to optimize all the processes.
As you can see there is many reasons and advantages why the modular building market has risen so fast in the last years.
In contrast to the conventional building the prize is guarantee and there aren’t surprising cost overruns. The building cost are around 50% lower.
As you could see there are a lot of good reasons to choice the modular construction.
Let’s examine our concept in more detail.
Around 90% is completed in the factory.
Surely all of us played with Lego in our childhoods?. The concept of our modular building approach is compareable to it.
Based on the prefabrication the modular are much lighter in comparison to conventional. As a result we can stack up to 4 storeys. Statical analysis indicates that in most cases no base will be needed.
There are stairs outside the building enabling the students to reach the apartments on the upper floors.
The modules can be connected like LEGO* bricks within seconds
Are the modular no longer longer used, they can be replaced in a very short time to another place.
Because of the concept which is compareable with lego there are a lot of modular combination possibilities.
(Wir wollen die Ansprechsperson für alle Serviceleistungen rund um den Modulbau sein, von beginn bis ende. Darüber hinaus wollen wir sie auch über den Erstellungsprozess hinaus begleiten.)
We want to be the contact person for every services around modular building. From start to finish, but also buldint process hinaus. I’d like to describe our services.
The key task is the construction of the modular buildings.
The buidling shell will be provided by our local partner,whereas all detail works inside the building will be provided by our factory in house. I’ll will say more about thuis later.
Project Design
We offer customer-specific design. For example when the customer wish a special furniture, or appliance we fulfil this desire. Our design team can also produce plans, elevations and 3D conceptual drawing so that your project is sure to cover even the finest of details.
As already mention I’m in our project team responsible for all static calculations.
The main task is to determine the soil’s stability to carry the weight
Site work / Installation: Including groundworks and all ancillary services
Our team conduct all necassary installation on site. That include the construction of the electricity, sewerage and water system.
To our assignment counts also the transport and all works around the relocation of the modules.
Repairs and refurbishment
Further we are specialized on Modular repairs. When the student have any problems with the installation or equipments we are the right adresse with the trained worker.
Approval Procedure
That you allow to erect a student campus you need diverse license. All this work around the approval procedure is carried out from our specialiced team.
Provision and installation of additional modules
Our service includes also the provision and installation of additional equipment. For example when you want erect a wireless system or equip the apartments with solar cell.
Because we are conduct all the services you have a.minimal effort because our team will help to guide every step of the way.
Let’s move on to our product line. That we can have the right product for every requirement, we offer a choice of modular buildings.
The apartment distinguish in the size. There are accomodation for one or two person. The facility is the same but the room for two persons have a bedroom and office more.
Because not ervey student has the same needs and budget we offer different equipment lines.
The economical apartment is the basic facility. In this room the student will find everything they need. They have a kitchen, heating, a bathroom with a shower.Although it calls economical, this is a high quality product.
For student it particularly important to have a conventional well-established study room. Naturally we have pay attention on this demand as you can see.
You have the option to hire or buy the apartment.
How much would you be prepared to PAY for this accomodation, keeping in mind the flat leases.
The rental price for the ‚economical version‘ is 500 Fr. per month. Alternatively, the purchase price is 40,000 Fr. This price is for the most students affordable.
When you call in mind how much a conventional room costs in Zurich than this price is almost incredible, but it is true.
If a student wishes a more luxury accomodation, than we have a deluxe category.
This premium room offers the student luxury, probable more than at home. This room is equipped with a dish washer, washing machine, tumber, whirlpool, suna, ai rcondition, freezer, steamer, a flat screen telecon and a balcon.
This apartment costs 750 Franks per monthes or the purchase price is 75 000 Franks.
Beside the economical and deluxe room, we offer also an individual apartment. This room is eqipped according the individual wishes.
What would be important for her in a student apartment
For example when you want a bath, a master suite, laminate floor or you wish to divide the apartment into two floors. Because the individual eqipment it’s only possible to buy the individual apartment.
Do you could imagine to life in one of this appartment? Surely the student would live in this room more comfortable as in the most student’s flat.
For a more detail impression you can visit our product line in our business location.
I will now hand out a prospectus with the different modular buildings so that you can study our product line at your convencience.
Let’s consider what a university campus might look like.
That the student find the ideal requirements for a successful study, the campus is provided with a wireless internet connection. Further the students will find common room, so that the students keep in touch with each other.
Additional we establish a washroom, that they can wash their clothes by themselves. Further there is the possibility to arrange a kiosk.
If you plan to use the location for a longer period of time we will be pleased to design (the surroundings) to your liking.
To use all this equipments cost 50 Franks per months.
Ideal Learning atmosphere
Therefore our portable apartment offers the student the ideal environment for their study. You haven’t to be surprised, when the students achievement get suddenly better. And all this we offer for half the price they would pay in a compareable conventional room.
The procedure
I’d like to come to the next point by describing the modular construction process.
To illustrate the production process I will record serveral short cutscenes
Design Conversation with the customer
At first we look with the customer for the best solution and we regard the customized wishes. In this process we also inspect the place und check if it is neccesarry to construct drainage and if a water an electricty conncetion is available. Furtheremore we investigate the ground.
Than our design team elaborate a campus concept plan, that we discuss it with the client
Manufacture in the factory
The next step is the manufacture process by our cooperation partner Strueby AG.
With over 60 years of experience working in the modular construction, our cooperation partner has broad experience and is well-know for their quality product.
Their factory is eqiped with high technology instruments. Our cooperation partner has a great capacity ability, so we can adjust the production according the demand.
The craftsman errect the wall and the floor. Then they cover it with a wallpaper inside and outside with a. aluminium surface.
Then they install the electricity, water, sanitary and fire sprinkler system.
In the next step the modules are transported from Strueby AG to our company to Zurich. The transport route lasts only around an hour. On the one hand this save the environment and on the other hand we don’t lose much time in the manufacture process.
Exterior manufacture
Now the interior equipment is perfomed, as the kitchen, furniture, shower and the special customer wishes. Then everything is tested, before the room is cleaned. Finally all unfixed equipment are covered to prevent damage during the transportation.
Transporting Modules from factory to site
Transportation of the prefabricated units to site will be arranged and organised by us.
Afterwards the modules are reloctable on site. For this service we engage a local transport company.
On Site Installation
When the modules arrive, on site installation crews will be there ready to beginn the installation.
The underground is covered with gravel so that the ground is horizontal and stable. With a crane the modul is lifted to the right place.
Afterwards the sanitary and electricity is connected with the system.
To ensure a high quality product everything is tested from our inspection team.
Process Overview
Let us now have a look at the overview of the working process. The entire process can be divided into seven steps. Every step is conduct from a a specialize team.
With this approach, modular office buildings can be built in section, with each section built seperately in a factory, and assembled later at the site. This process reduces labor, time and money.
As you can see on the graphic the entire process from the order to the finish inspection last only 4 and a half week. If you were construct the accomodation by conventional means, it would take four times as long.
When you compare it with the conventional construction you can save much time.
As mention earlier, we are committed to high standards of quality.
This goal we reach by cooperation only with companie whiuch share our attitudes. We apply an assurance system and rur team is well qualified.
In conclusion it can be said that, that every module is constructed to the highest standarts of strenght, and durability.
Because we are convinced of the high quality of our product, we give [you] five years warranty.
Material plays a key role in ensuring the quality.
The main material is lumber. We use only Swiss quality wooden.
The advantages of the lumber use is the weight, it’s something natural, is a good insulation material and creates an agreeable ambience/atmosphere (within your home) and with the right treatment, lumber has a long lifecycle.
Taking responsibility for the environment
Modular homes are like the hybrid car of the house-building industry. They save money and the environment.
By using local raw materials, reducing the waste, because the material is tailored exactly in prefabrication we produce environment-friendly. Further the most material are recyclable or re-usuable and the building is energy-efficient, because of the high technology insulation.
As you can see we are taking responsibility for the environment !
That will enhance your image, when the public now, that you are concerned about the environment.
If you want save more energy, we install solar cells on the roof.
Product Extension
At first we confine our business activity to modular accomodation for students.
But as already mention the usage of modular units are almost unmlimited.
In the last years there has been a clear trend towards using modular construction, because people are appreciating its advantages.Once we have successfully broken into the new market, we will expand our product line.
In the foreground stand the school building market. We classify the potential on this field as high. When you rebuild a schoolhouse you need a temporary solution, or when you have for a year more student you need a flexible soluation, exactly what we offer.
Once our company reaches a certain size, we’ll consider to built our own production/manufacturing plant/facility/site.
And of course we will permanantly improve our product.
Special features of our product
I’d like to highlight the main feature of our product.
The distinguishing features of our product are flexibility, portability and cost effectiveness. Due to the prefabrication and the process maximizing the building time can be significantly reduced. We offer difference comfort standarts, so that every student will find the right for his needs.
We use recyclable material and minimize the waste, which proves that our system it’s very environment-friendly.
And as already emphasizes we offer the student a comfortable accommodation to an affordable prize.
We are so convinced that our products are of an extremely high quality that we grant a five years warranty on all products.
We will guide you throughout the entire project, from planning to hand-off.
Our highest priority is to satisfy our customers and to exceed their expectations time and time again.
As you could see, from our product will profit the universities as also the students. Right, that brings me nearly to the end of my part.
End of my part
Thank you for listening so attentively.
I am honored to have the opportunity of introducing our businessplan.
Now I would like to hand over to my colleague, Marco Sonderegger], who will talk aboutthe marketing