Hallo ihr Lieben )
Ich hab da eine Bitte an euch. Es geht um einen Englischtext den ich selber geschrieben habe über Autoparksysteme. DIeser Text ist für ein Referat und da ich nicht gerade gut bin in Englisch also Gramatik und manchmal auch nicht weiß ob ich die richtigen Wörter in diesem Zusammenhang verwendet habe, würde ich euch gerne darum bitten euch vielleicht mal meinen Text durchzulesen und mir dann meine Fehler oder eure Verbesserungsvorschläge zu nennen.
Das wäre wirklich suuuuuuuuuuper nett ich brauche nämlich eine gute Note und die Informationen habe ich ja alle selbst raus gesucht, es geht mir wirklich nur um das kontrolle lesen
Also hier mein Text:
So parkingsystems. When i though about those devices I have asked myself why people should use those parkingsystems, because normaly you learn how to park a car in drivingschool ( you woudn’t get your licence if you couldn’t park a car right) and so my main question that i though about was ‚why parkingsystems‘.
So my explanation was and still is: imagine a realy tight parking spot and a woman that want to park her car in this little parking spot, what would happen or how would this end up?
In the most cases either your own car would be damaged or even yours and the car that stands behind or in front of your car.
I guess most of you may be thinking, that this is just a female problem but not only woman have problems in parking their cars but aslo men.
Main problems in car park are for example that the rear window of a car is really high so that sometimes Parking restrictions like stones, bollards or even the distance to the car that stands behind you can not be perceived correctly. The damage that would be build up by this problem for example on the picture wouldn’t be really big but for every driver really sad.
To avoid these problems nowadays an increasing number of cars are equipped with parking assistants that should help the driver.
The first and probably most (commonly) used parkingsystem is called PDC (parking distance controller). The parking assistant PDC is a driver assistance system that monitores (überwacht) the area in frot of and behind the car to warn the driver by giving him an accustical signal when there is an obstical.
This system works with ultrasonic sensors, which are integrated into the bumpers (Stoßstangen) of a vehicle. In this conetion a distinction is drawn betweeen (Man unterscheidet) two-, four-and six-channel systems, which means that in a bumper are usually 2, 4 or even 6 sensors installed.
Which means: The higher the number of sensors, the more precisely and safer is the measurement result. The number of sensors depens on the widht of the vehicle.
SO the ultrasonic sensors emit ( strahlen aus ) ultrasonic waves which are reflected by the obstacel.
The reflected ultrasonic waves are also recived by the sensors and transmits the data to the control unit. The control unit calculates from the Ultrasonic signal propagation time the distance from the sensor to the obstacle. And than an intermittent tone indicates how much space is available. The closer you get to an obstacle, the shorter the interval gets. If the distance is less than 30 cm, a continuous tone will sound as „braking signal“.
The second parkingsystem that I’ll introduce to you is called park assist:
The special thing about this parking system ist that it finds independtley a suitable space, in which the car automatically steer into. Just like the PDC this program also works with ultrasound.
The difference here is that the receiving and transmitting ultrasonic sensors are not attached to the bumper but on the side of the car so on the fender. Because it is only used to park your car sidewards.
The ultrasonic sensors scan the roadside, up to a speed of 30 km/h and when they find a sufficiently large park complete the park assist gives the driver through the display which is placed between the tachometer and speedometer the correct starting position for the entrance into the gap.
Then the driver has to change into reverse gear (Rückwärtsgang schalten) and to stept carefully on the gas. The driver is responsible for gas, clutch, brake, and the observation of the environment.
And the steer into the parking space goes automatically. As a precaution (Sicherheitshalber)
the parkassist cancel when the driver touches the steering wheel or when the car reaches a higher speed than 7 km/h.
Ich wäre euch wirklich dankbar wenn da mal einer drüber schauen würde ich hab manchmal für mich die Bedeutung eniger Wörter in Klammern geschrieben auf deutsch, also nichts dabei denken wenn da deutsche Wörter drin stehen
Ich bedanke mich jetzt schon mal für jede Hilfe