Excel-Datei mit Perl bearbeiten?-Wie?

Hallo zusammen!

Kann man - und wenn ja wie - mit Perl eine Excel-Datei erstellen und/oder bearbeiten?



How do I extract a series of cells from Microsoft Excel?
If you have a sheet object you can extract the values of a series of cells through $Sheet->Range->{‚Value‘}, for example:

 my $array = $Sheet-\>Range("A8:B9")-\>{'Value'};

Now $array[0][0] contains the value of cell A8, $array[0][1] the value of cell B8, $array[1][0] the value of cell A9 and $array[1][1] the value of cell B9.

What is returned is an two-dimensional array (OK, an array with references to arrays) that contains the values of the requested cells.

A complete example is here:

 use strict;
 use Win32::open\_mouth:LE qw(in with);
 use Win32::open\_mouth:LE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';
 $Win32::open\_mouth:LE::Warn = 3; # die on errors...
 my $Excel = Win32::open\_mouth:LE-\>GetActiveObject('Excel.Application')
 || Win32::open\_mouth:LE-\>new('Excel.Application', 'Quit'); # get already active Excel
 # application or open new
 my $Book = $Excel-\>Workbooks-\>Open("C:\\DOCUMENTS\\test.xls"); # open Excel file
 my $Sheet = $Book-\>Worksheets(1); # select worksheet number 1
 my $array = $Sheet-\>Range("A8:B9")-\>{'Value'}; # get the contents
 foreach my $ref\_array (@$array) { # loop through the array
 # referenced by $array
 foreach my $scalar (@$ref\_array) {
 print "$scalar\t";
 print "\n";

To retrieve the formatted value of a cell you should use the {‚Text‘} property instead of the {‚Value‘} property. This returns exactly what is being displayed on the screen though! If the column is not wide enough, you get a value of ‚######‘:

 my $array = $Sheet-\>Range("A8:B9")-\>{'Text'};

How do I make a chart in Microsoft Excel?
A good idea would be to record a macro in Microsoft Excel and then convert it to Perl. But here is a complete example:

 use strict;
 use Win32::open\_mouth:LE;
 use Win32::open\_mouth:LE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';

 my $Excel = Win32::open\_mouth:LE-\>new("Excel.Application");
 $Excel-\>{Visible} = 1;

 my $Book = $Excel-\>Workbooks-\>Add;
 my $Sheet = $Book-\>Worksheets(1);
 my $Range = $Sheet-\>Range("A2:C7");
 $Range-\>{Value} =
 [['Delivered', 'En route', 'To be shipped'],
 [504, 102, 86],
 [670, 150, 174],
 [891, 261, 201],
 [1274, 471, 321],
 [1563, 536, 241]];

 my $Chart = $Excel-\>Charts-\>Add;
 $Chart-\>{ChartType} = xlAreaStacked;
 $Chart-\>SetSourceData({Source =\> $Range, PlotBy =\> xlColumns});
 $Chart-\>{HasTitle} = 1;
 $Chart-\>ChartTitle-\>{Text} = "Items delivered, en route and to be shipped";
