Fehler nach Umbenennen des OracleServers

Hallo Ihr,

ich habe meinen TestOracleServer umbenannt. Dannach startet der OracleAgent nicht mehr. Alle Listener … Dateien habe ich auf den neuen namen geändert. Wo bitte ist die Einstellung, damit der OracleAgent wieder seinen Server findet.
Ich habe schon alle Datein durchsucht, auf Inhalt=altername.
Die Regestrierung habe ich auch durchsucht.
Es muß doch möglich sein, einen Oracle 8.04 Server unter Windows NT einen anderen Namen zu geben.


Auszug aus der Oracle Hilfe (leider habe ich nur Version 8.0.5 hier, ich nehme aber an, daß der Unterschied zwischen 8.0.4 und 8.0.5 in diesem Bereich nicht allzu groß ist):

1-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Troubleshooting the NT Agent If It Did Not Start Up
Make sure the agent service is up by checking the OracleAgent service in your
control panel. If the agent did not start up, use any of the following hints listed

  1. Check for messages written to the NT Event Viewer (under Administrative
    Tools) since this is where the NT agent writes any problems associated with
  2. Check if snmp_ro.ora, snmp_rw.ora, and services.ora are created by
    the agent on startup. snmp_ro.ora is in the ORACLE_HOME\NET80\admin
    directory, and snmp_rw.ora and services.ora are in the
    ORACLE_HOME\NET80\agent directory.
    Compare the services listed with the services which are available on the
    machine. Please refer to Appendix A, “Configuration Files” for valid sample
    If services are missing, check the following files for inconsistency or corruption:
    n listener.ora
    n tnsnames.ora
  3. Check that you DO NOT have a system path set to external drives.
    The agent is a service and runs by default as SYSTEM. It also needs DLLs from
    the ORACLE_HOME/BIN directory. If you need mapped drives in your path,
    you MUST NOT set them in the SYSTEM path.
    To set your own path:
    a. Move mapped drive paths out of SYSTEM path variables and into your
    b. Reboot to “unset” the systems path.
  4. Check if you have TCP/IP installed. TCP/IP is a requirement.
  5. If you still do not know why the agent did not start, trace the agent.
    a. Set the following variables in snmp_rw.ora:
    nmi.trace_level=admin (or 16 if you want maximum information)
    b. Restart the agent.ഊConfiguring an Intelligent Agent on Windows NT
    c. Check the log files located in the ORACLE_HOME/NET80/LOG directory.
    NMI.LOG should show general agent problems.
    NMICONFIG.LOG should show problems with autodiscovery.
  6. Ensure that the DNS Host entry is set to the node name in the listener.ora and
    tnsnames.ora files.
    a. Run the start button-> settings-> control panel-> network-> protocol->
    TCP/IP properties.
    b. Check the DNS Host entry. For example, make sure that the entry is not set
    to the name of the previous engineer.
  7. Turn on tracing for the daemon.
    a. Open net80/admin/sqlnet.ora and add the lines
    daemon.trace_level=13 and
    b. Close the console to stop the daemon.
    c. Open the console to restart the daemon in trace mode.
    d. Submit a job and view the daemon.trc file for daemon and console


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