Filmreview auf Englisch über "Lord of the Flies" korrigieren?

Hallo, ich muss als Hausaufgabe ein Review für den Film „Lord of the Flies“ (1963) auf Englisch schreiben. Kann jemand es für mich korrigieren?
Vielen Dank

“Lord of the Flies” is a 1963 British adventure film about a group of British boys who cast away on an uninhabited island where they become savages. The film directed by Peter Brook and produced by Lewis M. Allen is based on William Golding’s most famous novel of the same name which published in 1954. Nowadays, “Lord of the Flies” is required to read in many junior high schools. The story unfolds in the midst of a war. A group of British schoolboys evacuated from England are left marooned on an uninhabited island after a plane crash. There the boys set up a civilized commune, with the main character, Ralph (James Aubrey), being voted as the chief. However, the society is soon threatened by Ralph’s rival, the charismatic Jack (Tom Chapin), who forms his own tribe of Hunters. Over time, along with the harsh environment, the instinct hidden in the boys awakens, which makes them resort to barbaric acts and ritualistic practices. I definitely recommend this film to everybody. Golding’s book is a masterpiece that exemplifies “the evil”, which lurks deep in human nature. Brook’s film offers no fewer interpretations of the deeper meaning while presenting a realistic and horrific vision of the basic story. The incredible camera work emphasizes the haunting and powerful story. The well matching soundtrack and the use non-professional children make this a brilliant and masterful film. In my opinion, “Lord of the Flies” is an extraordinary gem and a milestone in the film history.

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Doch, das ist es. Und immerhin hat er nicht geschrieben „muss … schreiben, macht es für mich“, sondern hat schon etwas geschrieben (zumindest gehe ich davon aus, angesichts der von dir angeprangerten Sachen) und hat um Korrektur gebeten, und genauso ist es auch erwünscht.