Hilfe - Upload funktion ändern aber wie ?

Hilfe - Upload funktion ändern aber wie ?

also ich habe einen Problem und der sieht so aus.
habe einen SHOP gebaut , wo mitglieder sich als Seller registrieren können und Digital files VERKAUFEN können. nur das problem ist, das die DIGITALEN files in zip format hochgeladen werden muß. aber ich möchte das umändern das der user " mp3 " gleich hochladen kann ohne das er den file in zip packt. Kunde sollte auch wissen und hören was er kauft. kann einer mir hier helfen ?

hier ist der CODE

<?php include "../includes/config.php";
include "../includes/session.php"; include "../includes/functions.php"; include\_once "../FCKeditor/fckeditor.php"; include('../includes/image.class.php'); $img = new Zubrag\_image; if (get\_magic\_quotes\_gpc()) { $\_POST = array\_map('stripslashes\_deep', $\_POST); $\_GET = array\_map('stripslashes\_deep', $\_GET); $\_COOKIE = array\_map('stripslashes\_deep', $\_COOKIE); } if(isset( $\_SESSION["sess\_artistid"]) and $\_SESSION["sess\_artistid"]!= ""){ $artistid = $\_SESSION["sess\_artistid"]; }else{ header("Location:login.php"); exit; } if (isset($\_GET["catid"]) and $\_GET["catid"] != "") { $catid = $\_GET["catid"]; } else if (isset($\_POST["catid"]) and $\_POST["catid"] != "") { $catid = $\_POST["catid"]; } if($\_GET["begin"] == ""){ $begin=0; $num=1; $numBegin=1; }else{ $begin=$\_GET["begin"]; $num=$\_GET["num"]; $numBegin=$\_GET["numBegin"];; } $sql = "SELECT \* FROM ".$tableprefix."settings "; $result = mysql\_query($sql); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result)\>0) { $row = mysql\_fetch\_array($result); $chkcanship =$row["enable\_canadapost"]; $aproveproducts =$row['approve\_products']; $adminemail=$row['site\_email']; if($aproveproducts=="1") { // check producta are approved automatically $txtapproveProducts="Y"; } // end if if($aproveproducts=="2") { // check producta are approved by Admin $txtapproveProducts="N"; } // end if } (isset($\_POST['txtDigitalProduct']))?$txtDigitalProduct = $\_POST['txtDigitalProduct']:blush:txtDigitalProduct = 'N'; if($txtDigitalProduct=="Y") { $digitalBlock=""; $chkDigitalProduct="checked"; $canshipblock="none"; } else { $digitalBlock= "none"; $chkDigitalProduct=""; $canshipblock=""; } if(isset($\_GET["txtSearch"]) and $\_GET["txtSearch"]!=""){ $txtSearch = $\_GET["txtSearch"]; $cmbSearchType = $\_GET["cmbSearchType"]; }else if(isset($\_POST["txtSearch"]) and $\_POST["txtSearch"]!=""){ $txtSearch = $\_POST["txtSearch"]; $cmbSearchType = $\_POST["cmbSearchType"]; } $txtProductName = $\_POST["txtProductName"]; $txtProductCode = $\_POST["txtProductCode"]; $txtDescription = $\_POST["txtDescription"]; $txtPrice = $\_POST["txtPrice"]; $ddlArtist =$\_POST["ddlArtist"]; $productlist = $\_POST["chkproducts"]; $txtStock = $\_POST["txtStock"]; $txtReorderLevel = $\_POST["txtReorderLevel"]; $txtDiscount = (int)$\_POST["txtDiscount"]; $txtDiscountDesc = $\_POST["txtDiscountDesc"]; $txtShippingWeight = $\_POST['txtShippingWeight']; $txtlength=$\_POST['txtlength']; $txtheight=$\_POST['txtheight']; $txtwidth=$\_POST['txtwidth']; (isset($\_POST['txtDigitalProduct']))?$txtDigitalProduct = $\_POST['txtDigitalProduct']:blush:txtDigitalProduct = 'N'; (isset($\_POST['txtFeaturedRequest']))?$txtFeaturedRequest = $\_POST['txtFeaturedRequest']:blush:txtFeaturedRequest = 'N'; /\*----------Selecting the Artist Currency-------------\*/ $select\_seller\_currency = "SELECT vseller\_currency FROM ".$tableprefix."artists WHERE artist\_id = ".$\_SESSION["sess\_artistid"]; $result\_seller\_currency = mysql\_query($select\_seller\_currency) or die(mysql\_error()); /\*----------Selecting the Artist Currency-------------\*/ if ($\_POST["btnAddProduct"] == "Add Product") { $message = "" ; $checkleafcategory=" select \* FROM " . $tableprefix . "categories where parent\_id='$catid'"; if (mysql\_num\_rows(mysql\_query($checkleafcategory)) \> 0) { $message .= "\* There is a subcategory under the category you have selected.Please select a subcategory! "; } if (!isNotNull($txtProductName)) { $message .= "\* Product Name cannot be empty! "; } else { $qry = "SELECT product\_name FROM " . $tableprefix . "products WHERE product\_name='" . addslashes($txtProductName) . "' and product\_artist\_id='".$artistid."' and product\_category = '".$catid."' "; if (mysql\_num\_rows(mysql\_query($qry)) \> 0) { $message .= "\* Product with the same name already exists under the same category! "; } } if (!isNotNull($txtProductCode)) { $message .= "\* Product Code cannot be empty! "; } else { $qry = "SELECT product\_code FROM " . $tableprefix . "products WHERE product\_code='" . addslashes($txtProductCode) . "' and product\_artist\_id='".$artistid."' and product\_category = '".$catid."' "; if (mysql\_num\_rows(mysql\_query($qry)) \> 0) { $message .= "\* Product with the same code already exists! Please select a unique code! "; } } if (!isNotNull($txtDescription)) { $message .= "\* Product Description cannot be empty! "; } $txtPrice = doubleval($txtPrice); if (!isNotNull($txtPrice)) { $message .= "\* Product Price cannot be empty! "; } else { if($txtPrice "; } } if($chkcanship=="Y" && $txtDigitalProduct!="Y") { if (!isNotNull($txtlength)) { $message .= "\* Product Length cannot be empty! "; } if (!isNotNull($txtwidth)) { $message .= "\* Product Width cannot be empty! "; } if (!isNotNull($txtheight)) { $message .= "\* Product Height cannot be empty! "; } if (!isNotNull($txtShippingWeight)) { $message .= "\* Product shipping weight cannot be empty! "; } } /\*----------Shipping Block Starts------------\*/ $txtShippingWeight = doubleval($txtShippingWeight); if($txtShippingWeight "; } /\*----------Shipping Block Ends------------\*/ /\*----------Digital Product Block Starts------------\*/ if($txtDigitalProduct == "Y") { if (!isNotNull($\_FILES['txtProductZip']['name'])) { $message .= "\* Digital product cannot be empty! "; } $uploadfile =ReplaceArray($\_FILES['txtProductZip']['name']); $types=array('zip','pdf','rar','psd','opf','azw','lit','pdb','pkg','mp3','mpeg','mp4','avi'); preg\_match('/\.([a-zA-Z]+?)$/', $uploadfile, $matches); if(!in\_array(strtolower($matches[1]),$types)) { // check file format is valid or not $message .= "\* Invalid file format for Digital Product! "; } // end format check } /\*----------Digital Product Block Ends------------\*/ $txtStock = doubleval($txtStock); if (isNotNull($txtStock)) { if($txtStock "; } } $txtReorderLevel= doubleval($txtReorderLevel); if (isNotNull($txtReorderLevel)) { if($txtReorderLevel "; } } $prodimagedir = "../products/"; $picsmall = $\_FILES['userfile'][0]; $picbig = $\_FILES['userfile'][1]; $picsmallname = ReplaceArray($\_FILES['userfile']['name'][0]); $picbigname = ReplaceArray($\_FILES['userfile']['name'][1]); $picsmalltype = $\_FILES['userfile']['type'][0]; $picbigtype = $\_FILES['userfile']['type'][1]; $picsmallfilename = $\_FILES['userfile']['name'][0]; $picsmalltempname = $\_FILES['userfile']['tmp\_name'][0]; $picbigfilename = $\_FILES['userfile']['name'][1]; $picbigtempname = $\_FILES['userfile']['tmp\_name'][1]; if($picbigname != "") { $final\_image\_big = "productlarge\_".time().$picbigname; } else { $final\_image\_big = ""; } if($picsmallname != "") { $final\_image\_small = "productsmall\_".time().$picsmallname; } else { $final\_image\_small = ""; } $picsmalldest = $prodimagedir . $picsmallname; $picbigdest = $prodimagedir . $picbigname; if (!is\_readable($prodimagedir) || !is\_writable($prodimagedir) || !is\_executable($prodimagedir)) { $error = true; $message .= " \* Please request admin to change the permission of 'products' folder in the root to 777 "; } if ($picsmalltype != "") { if (!isValidWebImageType($picsmalltype,$picsmallfilename,$picsmalltempname)) { $message .= " \* Invalid product picture (small)! Upload an image (jpg/gif/png)" . " "; $error = true; } else { if (file\_exists($picsmalldest)) { $message .= " \* Product picture (small) with the same name exists! Please rename the product picture (small) and upload! " . " "; $error = true; } } } if ($picbigtype != "") { if (!isValidWebImageType($picbigtype,$picbigfilename,$picbigtempname)) { $message .= " \* Invalid product picture (big)! Upload an image (jpg/gif/png)" . " "; $error = true; } else { if (file\_exists($picbigdest)) { $message .= " \* Product picture (big) with the same name exists! Please rename the product picture (big) and upload! " . " "; $error = true; } } } if ($message != "") { // error $message = " Please correct the following errors to continue! " . $message; } else { // no error so insert user details if($picsmallname != ""){ move\_uploaded\_file($\_FILES['userfile']['tmp\_name'][0], "../products/".$final\_image\_small); if($\_FILES['userfile']['tmp\_name'][0] != "") { chmod("../products/$final\_image\_small", 0777); resizeImg("../products/".$final\_image\_small, 125 ,75, false, 100, 0,"\_thumb"); } } if($picbigname != ""){ move\_uploaded\_file($\_FILES['userfile']['tmp\_name'][1], "../products/".$final\_image\_big); if($\_FILES['userfile']['tmp\_name'][1] != "") { chmod("../products/$final\_image\_big", 0777); resizeImg("../products/".$final\_image\_big, 200 ,200, false, 100, 0,"\_thumb"); } } $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$tableprefix."products ( product\_name , product\_code , product\_description, product\_price, product\_height, product\_length, product\_width, nproduct\_shipping\_weight, vdigital\_product, product\_category, product\_artist\_id, product\_image\_small, product\_image\_big, product\_stock, reorder\_level, discount, featured, discountdescription, date\_added, vapproved ) VALUES ( '".addslashes($txtProductName)."', '".addslashes($txtProductCode)."', '".addslashes($txtDescription)."', '".addslashes($txtPrice)."', '".addslashes($txtheight)."', '".addslashes($txtlength)."', '".addslashes($txtwidth)."', '".addslashes($txtShippingWeight)."', '".$txtDigitalProduct."', '".addslashes($catid)."', '".addslashes($artistid)."', '".addslashes($final\_image\_small)."', '".addslashes($final\_image\_big)."', '".addslashes($txtStock)."', '".addslashes($txtReorderLevel)."', '".addslashes($txtDiscount)."', '".addslashes($txtFeaturedRequest)."', '".addslashes($txtDiscountDesc)."', now(), '".addslashes($txtapproveProducts)."' )"; //echo $sql; mysql\_query($sql); /\*------------Digital Product Block Starts-----------------\*/ $product\_insert\_id = mysql\_insert\_id(); $assignedname = randomDigitalProduct()."\_".$\_FILES['txtProductZip']['name']; if (move\_uploaded\_file($\_FILES['txtProductZip']['tmp\_name'], "../digital\_product/" . $assignedname)) { chmod("../digital\_product/$assignedname", 0777); $expiry\_days = $\_POST['txtDownloadExpiry']; //$valid\_date\_upto = date("Y-m-d H:s:m",mktime(date("H"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m"),date("d")+$expiry\_days,date("Y"))); $insert\_digital\_product = "INSERT INTO ".$tableprefix."digital\_product(ndigital\_productid,vdigital\_product\_name,ndownload\_try ,ndownload\_expiry\_days)VALUES(".$product\_insert\_id."," .GetSQLValueString($assignedname,"text").", ".$\_POST['txtDownloadTry'].", ".$expiry\_days.")"; mysql\_query($insert\_digital\_product) or die(mysql\_error()); } //=================================================Send Mail to Admin ============================================================= if(!empty($product\_insert\_id)) { // check if product added to data base $select\_seller\_name = "SELECT p .\*, c.category\_name, a.artist\_name FROM ".$tableprefix."products p, ".$tableprefix."artists a, ".$tableprefix."categories c WHERE a.artist\_id =".$artistid." AND c.category\_id = p.product\_category AND p.product\_id =".$product\_insert\_id." AND p.product\_artist\_id =".$artistid." LIMIT 0 , 1"; $result\_seller\_name = mysql\_query($select\_seller\_name) or die(mysql\_error()); $numrows=mysql\_num\_rows($result\_seller\_name); if($numrows\>0) { // check number of rows $rs=mysql\_fetch\_array($result\_seller\_name); $seller\_username=$rs['artist\_name']; $seller\_name=SITE\_EMAIL; $category\_name=$rs['category\_name']; } // end if $to=$adminemail; $date=date("F d,Y"); $product\_code=$txtProductCode; $product\_name=$txtProductName; $product\_price="$".number\_format($txtPrice,2,".","");; $stock\_available=$txtStock; $shipping\_weight=$txtShippingWeight ." lbs"; //===========================For showing product images==================================== if($final\_image\_small=="") { // check if thumnail image is not avilabe select images from if(!empty($final\_image\_big)) { // check if big image is uploaded or not $product\_image=SITE\_URL."/products/$final\_image\_big"; } else { // if images not in the table $product\_image=SITE\_URL."/products/noimage.jpg"; } // end if } // end if product image null check else { $product\_image=SITE\_URL."/products/$final\_image\_small"; } $imageurl=''; //==================================End display product image=============================== $link="[Click here to view the product](.SITE_URL.)" ; /\*---------Multicart Seller Account Acivation Email Confirmation to seller------------\*/ $subject = "A new product has been added in - ".stripslashes(SITE\_NAME); /\*-------Email Template Reading Fuction Call--------\*/ $mailcontent = readEmailTemplate('new\_product\_approval','products'); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[seller\_username]',$seller\_username,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[seller\_name]',$seller\_name,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[date]',$date,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[product\_name]',$product\_name,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[product\_code]',$product\_code,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[product\_price]',$product\_price,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[product\_image]',$imageurl,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[shipping\_weight]',$shipping\_weight,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[link]',$link,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[stock\_available]',$stock\_available,$mailcontent); $mailcontent = str\_replace('[category\_name]',$category\_name,$mailcontent); $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ".SITE\_EMAIL."" . "\r\n"; $mailcontent = nl2br($mailcontent); $mail\_send\_details = " ".$mailcontent." "; $mailsent = mail($to, $subject, $mail\_send\_details, $headers); } // end if //==============================================End MAil To Admin================================================================= /\*--------------Digital Product Block Ends----------------\*/ $txtSearch = ""; $message = "Product added successfully!"; $txtProductName = ""; $txtProductCode = ""; $txtDescription = ""; $txtPrice = ""; $txtStock = ""; $txtReorderLevel = ""; $txtDiscount=""; $txtDiscountDesc=""; $txtShippingWeight = ""; //update count $routesql="Select route from " . $tableprefix . "categories where category\_id ='$catid'"; //echo $routesql; $result=mysql\_query($routesql); $row = mysql\_fetch\_array($result); $route = $row["route"]; $qryupdatecatcount="update " . $tableprefix . "categories set count=count+1 where category\_id in($route)"; mysql\_query($qryupdatecatcount); } }else if ($\_POST["btnDeleteSelected"] == "Delete Selected") { if(!isNotNull($productlist)){ $message .= "\* Please select products to delete! "; }else{ $cnt=count($productlist); $plist = implode(",",$productlist ); $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$tableprefix."products WHERE product\_id IN ($plist) "; $res = mysql\_query($sql); $routesql="Select route from " . $tableprefix . "categories where category\_id ='$catid'"; //echo $routesql; $result=mysql\_query($routesql); $row = mysql\_fetch\_array($result); $route = $row["route"]; $qryupdatecatcount="update " . $tableprefix . "categories set count=count-$cnt where category\_id in($route)"; mysql\_query($qryupdatecatcount); } } if(isset($\_POST['gotoPage'])) { header("Location:".$\_SERVER['PHP\_SELF']."?page=".$\_POST['gotoPage']."&catid=".$\_POST['catid']); } $qryopt=""; if($txtSearch != ""){ if($cmbSearchType == "dateadded"){ $dt = $txtSearch; $arrdt = explode("-",$dt) ; $day = $arrdt[1]; $month = $arrdt[0]; $year = $arrdt[2]; $dt = $year."-". $month ."-".$day; $qryopt .= " AND date\_added like '" . addslashes($dt) . "%'"; }else if($cmbSearchType == "productname"){ $qryopt .= " AND product\_name like '" . addslashes($txtSearch) . "%'"; } } $sql=" SELECT \* FROM ".$tableprefix."products WHERE product\_category = '".addslashes($catid)."' and product\_artist\_id ='".addslashes($artistid)."' ".$qryopt." ORDER BY product\_name "; if(!(isset($pagenum))) { $pagenum = 1; } $limit = getSettingsValue('npagination\_limit'); if(empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $result=mysql\_query($sql) or die(mysql\_error()); $totalrows = mysql\_num\_rows($result); $limitvalue = ($page - 1) \* $limit; $query\_string = " LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit"; $sql = $sql.$query\_string; $rs = mysql\_query($sql) or die(mysql\_error()); $numofpages = ceil($totalrows / $limit); include "../includes/htmltop.php"; ?\> function clickSearch() { document.frmCatalog1.submit(); } function confirmDelete(){ if(confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?") ){ return true; } return false; } function checkDigitalProduct() { if(document.frmCatalog4.txtDigitalProduct.checked == true) { document.getElementById("digitalProductBlock").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("shippingWeightBlock").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("canshipBlock").style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById("digitalProductBlock").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("shippingWeightBlock").style.display = ""; document.getElementById("canshipBlock").style.display = ""; } } <?php include_once("../includes/topheader_seller.php")
?\> <?php include_once("../includes/artisttopmenu.php")
?\> My Catalog <?php echo $message?>


" method=„POST“ enctype=„multipart/form-data“>

<?php echo getCategoryLink("mycatalog.php",$catid )?>

if(!isset($catid) || $catid ==""){
$catid = 0;

$sql = "SELECT * FROM „.$tableprefix.„categories
WHERE parent_id = '“.addslashes($catid).“’ AND gift_certificate_flag != ‚Y‘ ORDER BY category_name ";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
$odd = true;
if(mysql_num_rows($res) != 0){
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
if($odd == true){
echo „". htmlentities($row[„category_name“]) ."“;
$odd = false;
echo „". htmlentities($row[„category_name“]) ."“;
$odd = true;
echo „No Categories“;


$checkleafcategory=" select * FROM " . $tableprefix . „categories where parent_id=’$catid’“;
if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($checkleafcategory)) > 0) {

if(isset($catid) and $catid !="" and $showproductadd){

My products under this category

" method=„POST“ enctype=„multipart/form-data“>
Search ::
&gt:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:roduct Name>Date Added (mm-dd-yyyy)  


" method=„POST“ enctype=„multipart/form-data“>
Product Name
Product Code
Added on(mm-dd-yyyy)
Product Image

if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0 )
$i = 1;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
$link = „"; $check = " "; if($row[„product_image_small“] …“;


if($page ";



<?php echo $previous_page?> <?php echo $next?>

Page(s) <?php echo $page ?>/<?php echo $numofpages?>  Goto

<?php for($i=1;$i<=$numofpages;$i++)
{ if($i == $\_GET['page']) { $page\_selected = "selected"; } else { $page\_selected = ""; } ?\>\><?php echo $i?><?php }



" method=„POST“ enctype=„multipart/form-data“>
Add New Product Here  * Fields are mandatoryProduct Name   * Product Code   * Description * 

<?php $sBasePath = "../FCKeditor/";
//echo $sBasePath = dirname(dirname($\_SERVER['PHP\_SELF'])) == "/" ? "/includes/fckeditor/" : dirname(dirname($\_SERVER['PHP\_SELF'])) ."/includes/fckeditor/"; $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('txtDescription') ; $oFCKeditor-\>BasePath = $sBasePath ; $oFCKeditor-\>Value = htmlentities($txtDescription); //$oFCKeditor-\>Config['SkinPath'] = 'editor/skins/silver/' ; $oFCKeditor-\>Width = '100%' ; $oFCKeditor-\>Height = '330' ; $oFCKeditor-\>Create() ; ?\> Price \*     **<?php if(mysql_num_rows($result_seller_currency) > 0) { $seller\_currency\_row = mysql\_fetch\_assoc($result\_seller\_currency); echo $seller\_currency\_row['vseller\_currency']; } ?\>** \* Length ,Width ,Height Fields are required for Canada Post Shipping Length (cm)   Width (cm)   Height (cm)   Image (Small)  Image (Big)  Stock Available   **no(s)**Stock Reorder Level   **no(s) \* Define a minimum stock level,and reorder when stock reaches that level.** Digital Product    \> Select the checkbox to display the digital product zip upload section Featured Request    Select the checkbox to request to make the product as featured Upload Digital Product File Type : .zip,.pdf, .rar , .psd , .opf, azw,.lit,.pdb, .pkg,.mp3,.mpeg,.mp4,.avi Product Download Try  <?php for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++)
{ ?\><?php echo $i?><?php }
?\> Time(s)

Product Download Expiry 

<?php for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++)
{ ?\><?php echo $i?><?php }
?\> Day(s)

Product Shipping Weight *


Discount Description  

<?php echo htmlentities($txtDiscountDesc);?> 

** Image (Small) Best Size - 120 X 150
** Image (Big) Best Size - 400 X 400

Please select leaf level category.You can add product only in leaf level category

<?php }?> 

include „…/includes/footer.php“;


habe einen SHOP gebaut , wo mitglieder sich als Seller
registrieren können und Digital files VERKAUFEN können. nur
das problem ist, das die DIGITALEN files in zip format
hochgeladen werden muß. aber ich möchte das umändern das der
user " mp3 " gleich hochladen kann ohne das er den file in zip
packt. Kunde sollte auch wissen und hören was er kauft. kann
einer mir hier helfen ?

Ohne dir zu nahe treten zu wollen: Wenn einer solche Fragen stellen muss, dann hat er nicht das nötige Wissen, um einen Webshop aufzusetzen, der nicht gleich beim ersten Hackerangriff in die Knie geht. Und wo Geld im Spiel ist sind solche Angriffe nur eine Frage der Zeit.

Außerdem verstehe ich nicht ganz was du mit „Kunde sollte auch wissen und hören was er kauft“ meinst. Willst du die mp3s vor dem Kauf schon mal zum Reinhören als Download anbieten? Dann kannst du dir das mit der Bezahlung eigentlich gleich sparen.

Gruß, sigterm

na gut …
Du musst das hier:

preg_match(’/.([a-zA-Z]+?)$/’, $uploadfile, $matches);

z.B. so ändern:

preg_match(’/.([a-zA-Z0-9]+?)$/’, $uploadfile, $matches);

damit alle Extensions in $matches kommen
dann „greifen“ die in $types eingetragen Extensions

ansonsten …
schließe ich mich dem von sigterm eigentlich erkannten Problem an ;->>

WOW es hat funktioniert , super , jetzt fählt mir eins wie kann ich einen Player einbinden für das hochgeladene MP3 datei