Hallo McFleih,
Das gesamte Gehabe dieser Bananen"republik"
und seines Präsidenten veranlassen mich den
Iran tatsächlich für einen Schurkenstaat zu halten,
dem ich keinen Deut Vertrauen entgegenbringe.
Vorsicht, Du siehst A. vorwiegend durch
das Propagandakraftfeld der Medien, ich
würde ihn besser nicht unterschätzen,
Wallace said he was surprised to find that
the Iranian president was still a college
professor who taught a graduate-level course.
Wallace (88) said he nearly fell out of his
chair when Ahmadinejad told him, "I hear this
is your last interview."
Wallace said he replied: "What do you think?
Is it a good idea to retire?"
He said the Iranian president told him it was
important to keep doing interesting things.
And Wallace is already thinking about his
next story: he said he's trying for an
interview with Supreme Court Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.