Kann mir bitte jemand diese englischen Sätze ins Deutsche übersetzen?


kann mir bitte jemand diese Sätze in schönes Deutsch übersetzen?

  1. If we were meeting three years from today, what has to have happened during that three-year period for you to feel happy about your progress?

  2. What are the biggest dangers you’ll have to face and deal with in order to achieve that progress?

  3. What are the biggest opportunities that you have that you would need to focus on and capture to achieve those things?

  4. What strengths will you need to reinforce and maximize, and what skills and resources will you need to develop that you don’t currently have in order to capture those opportunities?

Vielen Dank schonmal im voraus!

Ich würde einfach mal Folgendes in den Ring werfen:

  1. If we were meeting three years from today, what has to have
    happened during that three-year period for you to feel happy
    about your progress?

Was müsste in den nächsten drei Jahren passieren, damit du danach mit deinen Fortschritt zufrieden wärst?

  1. What are the biggest dangers you’ll have to face and deal
    with in order to achieve that progress?

Welches sind die größten Risiken/Herausforderungen, die du meistern musst, um diesen Fortschritt zu erreichen?

  1. What are the biggest opportunities that you have that you
    would need to focus on and capture to achieve those things?

Auf welche Möglichkeiten musst du dich fokussieren, um diese Dinge zu erreichen?

  1. What strengths will you need to reinforce and maximize, and
    what skills and resources will you need to develop that you
    don’t currently have in order to capture those opportunities?

Welche Stärken und Fähigkeiten, die du derzeit (noch) nicht besitzt, musst du entwickeln, um diese Möglichkeiten ergreifen zu können?

Ich stimme Juli zu. Ziemlich frei übersetzt, aber so steht es auch in psychologischen Fragebögen.