Korrektur lesen/ englisch

Hallo zusammen,

es scheint als habe ich den vortext vergessen. Könnt ihr bitte über Text den drüberlesen und Anmerkungen zu Grammatik und Sinn geben

Schöne Grüße

I am back to Germany. I found these place randomly and on the other side the paths and locations on the photos
are quite well-known, as it is part of the UNESCO world heritage in Europe.(see picture below)
They rely on the time of the middles ages in the 500th century.
During this time the european knights passed over these paths and went into their own created religious war(protestants/ catholic/ muslims/ jews).
It may be being cynical,but 1500 years later, we are recently discussing the same topic. So ironic and absurd.
It seems people are not learning of history or the past history is too past back and not concrete for the people of today.

I think you have similar beautiful landscapes in San Francisco.
I regret not to take the time of seeing all nature and landscapes in Carlifornia. I have to make up leeway.

I am searching a new flat right now and have to reduced accrued overtime. :wink:

How is your world?

Hello again.

I am back in Germany. („to“ würde eine Bewegung implizieren)

this place oder these places
randomly = by accident
on the other hand
known as it … no comma
Although I found these places quite by accident, the paths and locations on the photos are well-known as they are part of the UNESCO world heritage sites in Europe.

Den Satz verstehe ich nicht. Auf jeden Fall: 5th century. (das wäre dann 400-499)

Auch hier habe ich Verständnisprobleme.
During this time the European knights used these paths (or possibly „crossed these paths“) on their way to fight their religious wars.

It may be cynical but 1500 years later (no comma before „but“ and no comma here either) we are (still) discussing the same topic.

People don’t seem to learn from history - or maybe this particular history is too far back and not tangible for people today.

Ich nehme an, der Ausdruck mit leeway kommt direkt aus leo.org. Funktioniert hier aber nicht, das ist mehr im Sinne von „aufholen“, also z.B. Zeit gut machen, wenn man vorher getrödelt hat.
I regret not taking the time to see all the natural scenery and sights in California. One day I will have to remedy this. / One day I will have to make up for this. / One day I will have to rectify his.

I am looking for a new flat at the moment and taking comp (or compensatory) time off.

Klingt unidiomatisch, aber könnte eine Idiosynkrasie zwischen Freunden sein.
Alternative, ebenfalls etwas „odd“: How is your world doing?
Idiomatischer: How are you doing? How are you? What are you doing?
What is your life like? How is life treating you? What’s new in your life?


vielen dank erstmal.:slight_smile:

Hier einige Kommentare zu den Verständnisproblemen.

1.Den Satz verstehe ich nicht. Auf jeden Fall: 5th century. (das wäre dann 400-499)

Ich meine damit, dass das Weltkulturerbe bis ins Mittelalter bis ins Jahundert.

Auch hier habe ich Verständnisprobleme.
During this time the European knights used these paths (or possibly „crossed these paths“) on their way to fight their religious wars.

Damit habe ich gemeint, dass die europäischen Ritter auf diesen geritten sind um sich auf dem Weg ihrer Glaubenskriege zu begeben.

Ich meine damit dass das Weltkulturerbe bis ins Mittelalter zurückreicht.

They date back to the 5th century.

The European knights rode on these paths on their crusades, towards the religious wars of their own making.


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Ah, das macht mehr Sinn