Mail form geht nur unter firefox, warum?


ich fass mich mal kurz, dieses mail form leuft nur unter firefox, muss aber auch unter dem IE7 laufen, ich kann den fehler nicht finden, bin für jede hilfe dankbar.

<?php require_once "config.php";
if(isset($\_POST['submit'])) { require\_once "mail\_class.php"; $mail = new easyFormMail($\_POST,$\_POST['send\_mail'],$send\_hp); $mail-\>setReceiver($rec\_name, $rec\_mail\_adr); $mail-\>setSubject("Katalog"); $mail-\>setSubject("[MAIL] ", "add\_left"); $mail-\>setSubject(":", "add\_right"); $mail-\>setTemplateFile("./template/template2.txt"); $mail-\>send(); echo"Vielen Dank!"; ?\> <?php }else{
?\> Nachname Vorname Strasse PLZ/Ort Telefon Fax E-Mail <?php }
?\> ########## config.php ########## <?php $send_hp= "localhost";
$rec\_name="localhost"; $rec\_mail\_adr="[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])"; ?\> ########## mail\_class.php ########## class easyFormMail { /\*\* \* @param array post or getvars \* @param string administrators email (for error reporting) \* @param string name of the website using this script (for error reporting) \* @param bool print errors or not \* \*/ function easyFormMail($post,$adminmail="",$siteid="",$print\_errors=false) { //for error-reporting $this-\>admin\_mail = strip\_tags($adminmail); $this-\>site\_id = strip\_tags($siteid); $this-\>print\_errors = (bool) $print\_errors; //set variables if(is\_array($post) && $post) { foreach($post as $key =\> $value) { switch($key) { case "receiver\_mail": $this-\>setReceiver('',$value); break; case "receiver\_name": $this-\>setReceiver($value); break; case "sender\_name": $this-\>setSender($value); case "sender\_mail": $this-\>setSender('',$value); case "subject": $this-\>subject = $this-\>cleanField($value); default: $this-\>values[$key] = $this-\>cleanField($value); break; } $this-\>report\_data .= $key." = ".$value."\n"; } //setting up standard email-content if(is\_array($this-\>values)) { foreach($this-\>values as $key =\> $value) { $this-\>content .= "\n".strtoupper($key).":\n".$value."\n"; } } }else { $this-\>error('No data to send!'); } } function setReceiver($name = '', $mail = '') { if($name!=''){ $name = $this-\>cleanField($name); if(strpos($name,',') !== false){ $name = '"'.$name.'"'; } $this-\>receiver\_name = $name; } if($mail!='') $this-\>receiver\_mail = $this-\>cleanMail($mail); } function setSender($name = '', $mail = '') { if($name!=''){ $name = $this-\>cleanField($name); if(strpos($name,',') !== false){ $name = '"'.$name.'"'; } $this-\>sender\_name = $name; } if($mail!='') $this-\>sender\_mail = $this-\>cleanMail($mail); } function setSubject($text, $mode = '') { if($mode == "add\_left"){ $this-\>subject = $text.$this-\>values['subject']; }elseif($mode == "add\_right"){ $this-\>subject = $this-\>values['subject'].$text; }else{ $this-\>subject = $text; } $this-\>values['subject'] = $this-\>subject; } function setTemplateFile($filename,$check=true) { $this-\>tplFilename = strip\_tags($filename); if($check===true && !file\_exists($this-\>tplFilename)) $this-\>error('Template-file '.$filename.' does not exist!'); $this-\>setTemplateText(file\_get\_contents($this-\>tplFilename)); } function setTemplateText($text) { $this-\>tplContent = strip\_tags($text); $this-\>processTemplate(); } function processTemplate() { $this-\>tplProcessed = $this-\>tplContent; //copying //replacing if(is\_array($this-\>values)) { foreach($this-\>values as $key =\> $value) { $this-\>tplProcessed = preg\_replace('/\{'.$key.'\}/i',$value, $this-\>tplProcessed); } } } function cleanMail($mail) { return $this-\>cleanField(preg\_replace( "/[^a-z0-9 !?:;,.\/\_\-=+@#$&\*\(\)]/im", "", $mail)); } function cleanField($field) { $cleaned = trim(strip\_tags(preg\_replace( "/(content-type:expressionless:bcc:expressionless:cc:expressionless:to:expressionless:from:smile:/im", "", $field))); if($cleaned != $field) $this-\>logs[] = $field." ".$cleaned; return $cleaned; } function send() { //setting up the receiver-field if($this-\>receiver\_name) { $this-\>to = $this-\>receiver\_name." receiver\_mail."\>"; }else { $this-\>to = $this-\>receiver\_mail; } if(!empty($this-\>to)) { //setting up headers if($this-\>sender\_name) { $this-\>headers .="From: ".$this-\>sender\_name." sender\_mail."\>\r\n" . "Reply-To: ".$this-\>sender\_name." sender\_mail."\>\r\n"; }else { $this-\>headers .= "From: ".$this-\>sender\_mail."\r\n" . "Reply-To: ".$this-\>sender\_mail."\r\n"; } $this-\>headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); if(!empty($this-\>tplProcessed)) { $mailbody = $this-\>tplProcessed; }else { $mailbody = $this-\>content; } if(!@mail($this-\>to,$this-\>subject,$mailbody,$this-\>headers)) { $this-\>error('Error sending e-mail!'); }else { return true; } }else { $this-\>error('Error sending e-mail! No receiver set...'); } } function error($text) { //error reporting by email if($this-\>admin\_mail != "") { if(is\_array($this-\>logs)) $log = implode("\n ",$this-\>logs); $content = get\_class($this).":\n\nCLEANING LOG:\n".$log."\n\nORIGINAL DATA:\n".$this-\>report\_data; mail($this-\>admin\_mail,$text.": ".$this-\>site\_id,$content,"FROM:".$this-\>admin\_mail."\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); } if($this-\>print\_errors) exit(get\_class($this).": ".$text); } ?\>

ok hab den fehler gefunden.

Bei grafischen Buttons wird nicht nur der eventuell vorhandene Wert im value Attribut übertragen, sondern zusätzlich auch die Koordinaten des Klicks auf das Bild. Das heißt es werden zwei zusätzlich Werte abgeschickt in der Form name.x und name.y (in PHP wird daraus name_x/name_y). Der IE sendet nur die Koordinaten.