ich fass mich mal kurz, dieses mail form leuft nur unter firefox, muss aber auch unter dem IE7 laufen, ich kann den fehler nicht finden, bin für jede hilfe dankbar.
<?php require_once "config.php";if(isset($\_POST['submit'])) { require\_once "mail\_class.php"; $mail = new easyFormMail($\_POST,$\_POST['send\_mail'],$send\_hp); $mail-\>setReceiver($rec\_name, $rec\_mail\_adr); $mail-\>setSubject("Katalog"); $mail-\>setSubject("[MAIL] ", "add\_left"); $mail-\>setSubject(":", "add\_right"); $mail-\>setTemplateFile("./template/template2.txt"); $mail-\>send(); echo"Vielen Dank!"; ?\> <?php }else{
?\> Nachname Vorname Strasse PLZ/Ort Telefon Fax E-Mail <?php }
?\> ########## config.php ########## <?php $send_hp= "localhost";
$rec\_name="localhost"; $rec\_mail\_adr="[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])"; ?\> ########## mail\_class.php ########## class easyFormMail { /\*\* \* @param array post or getvars \* @param string administrators email (for error reporting) \* @param string name of the website using this script (for error reporting) \* @param bool print errors or not \* \*/ function easyFormMail($post,$adminmail="",$siteid="",$print\_errors=false) { //for error-reporting $this-\>admin\_mail = strip\_tags($adminmail); $this-\>site\_id = strip\_tags($siteid); $this-\>print\_errors = (bool) $print\_errors; //set variables if(is\_array($post) && $post) { foreach($post as $key =\> $value) { switch($key) { case "receiver\_mail": $this-\>setReceiver('',$value); break; case "receiver\_name": $this-\>setReceiver($value); break; case "sender\_name": $this-\>setSender($value); case "sender\_mail": $this-\>setSender('',$value); case "subject": $this-\>subject = $this-\>cleanField($value); default: $this-\>values[$key] = $this-\>cleanField($value); break; } $this-\>report\_data .= $key." = ".$value."\n"; } //setting up standard email-content if(is\_array($this-\>values)) { foreach($this-\>values as $key =\> $value) { $this-\>content .= "\n".strtoupper($key).":\n".$value."\n"; } } }else { $this-\>error('No data to send!'); } } function setReceiver($name = '', $mail = '') { if($name!=''){ $name = $this-\>cleanField($name); if(strpos($name,',') !== false){ $name = '"'.$name.'"'; } $this-\>receiver\_name = $name; } if($mail!='') $this-\>receiver\_mail = $this-\>cleanMail($mail); } function setSender($name = '', $mail = '') { if($name!=''){ $name = $this-\>cleanField($name); if(strpos($name,',') !== false){ $name = '"'.$name.'"'; } $this-\>sender\_name = $name; } if($mail!='') $this-\>sender\_mail = $this-\>cleanMail($mail); } function setSubject($text, $mode = '') { if($mode == "add\_left"){ $this-\>subject = $text.$this-\>values['subject']; }elseif($mode == "add\_right"){ $this-\>subject = $this-\>values['subject'].$text; }else{ $this-\>subject = $text; } $this-\>values['subject'] = $this-\>subject; } function setTemplateFile($filename,$check=true) { $this-\>tplFilename = strip\_tags($filename); if($check===true && !file\_exists($this-\>tplFilename)) $this-\>error('Template-file '.$filename.' does not exist!'); $this-\>setTemplateText(file\_get\_contents($this-\>tplFilename)); } function setTemplateText($text) { $this-\>tplContent = strip\_tags($text); $this-\>processTemplate(); } function processTemplate() { $this-\>tplProcessed = $this-\>tplContent; //copying //replacing if(is\_array($this-\>values)) { foreach($this-\>values as $key =\> $value) { $this-\>tplProcessed = preg\_replace('/\{'.$key.'\}/i',$value, $this-\>tplProcessed); } } } function cleanMail($mail) { return $this-\>cleanField(preg\_replace( "/[^a-z0-9 !?:;,.\/\_\-=+@#$&\*\(\)]/im", "", $mail)); } function cleanField($field) { $cleaned = trim(strip\_tags(preg\_replace( "/(content-type:expressionless:bcc:expressionless:cc:expressionless:to:expressionless:from:smile:/im", "", $field))); if($cleaned != $field) $this-\>logs[] = $field." ".$cleaned; return $cleaned; } function send() { //setting up the receiver-field if($this-\>receiver\_name) { $this-\>to = $this-\>receiver\_name." receiver\_mail."\>"; }else { $this-\>to = $this-\>receiver\_mail; } if(!empty($this-\>to)) { //setting up headers if($this-\>sender\_name) { $this-\>headers .="From: ".$this-\>sender\_name." sender\_mail."\>\r\n" . "Reply-To: ".$this-\>sender\_name." sender\_mail."\>\r\n"; }else { $this-\>headers .= "From: ".$this-\>sender\_mail."\r\n" . "Reply-To: ".$this-\>sender\_mail."\r\n"; } $this-\>headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); if(!empty($this-\>tplProcessed)) { $mailbody = $this-\>tplProcessed; }else { $mailbody = $this-\>content; } if(!@mail($this-\>to,$this-\>subject,$mailbody,$this-\>headers)) { $this-\>error('Error sending e-mail!'); }else { return true; } }else { $this-\>error('Error sending e-mail! No receiver set...'); } } function error($text) { //error reporting by email if($this-\>admin\_mail != "") { if(is\_array($this-\>logs)) $log = implode("\n ",$this-\>logs); $content = get\_class($this).":\n\nCLEANING LOG:\n".$log."\n\nORIGINAL DATA:\n".$this-\>report\_data; mail($this-\>admin\_mail,$text.": ".$this-\>site\_id,$content,"FROM:".$this-\>admin\_mail."\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); } if($this-\>print\_errors) exit(get\_class($this).": ".$text); } ?\>