MP3 Player einbinden ? aber wie ?

Hi an alle , ich möchte einen MP3 Player einbinden für das hochgeladene PRODUKT , wie kann ich das machen ? kann einer mir helfen ?
hier ist der code , wo muß ich den MP3 Player einbinden hier.

hier ist der MP3 player CODE

den o.g MP3 Player Code , möchte ich in dieses unten angegebene PHP code einbauen aber wohin ? in welcher zeile ? das weiß ich nicht. ? vielen Dank für die hilfe

<?php include "includes/config.php";
include "includes/session.php"; include "includes/functions.php"; if (function\_exists('get\_magic\_quotes\_gpc') && get\_magic\_quotes\_gpc()) { $\_POST = array\_map('stripslashes\_deep', $\_POST); $\_GET = array\_map('stripslashes\_deep', $\_GET); $\_COOKIE = array\_map('stripslashes\_deep', $\_COOKIE); } if (function\_exists('session\_register')) { session\_register('SESS\_card\_id'); } if (isset($\_GET["productid"]) and $\_GET["productid"] != "") { $productid = $\_GET["productid"]; } else if (isset($\_POST["productid"]) and $\_POST["productid"] != "") { $productid = $\_POST["productid"]; } /\*-----------Multicart 2.0 Upgradation------------\*/ $check\_shipping\_enable = checkShippingEnable(); if (($\_POST["btnAddToCart"] == "Add to Cart") || (($\_GET["action"] == "cart") and ($\_GET["productid"] != ""))) { $message = "" ; if(!isset($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"]) || ($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"]=="") ){ //header("Location:login.php?action=cart&productid=$productid"); //exit; /\*----------Checking digital product starts------------\*/ //if($check\_shipping\_enable == "Y") //{ // shipping enable checking starts $select\_cart = "SELECT cart\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."cart WHERE visitor\_cart\_id = ".GetSQLValueString(session\_id(),"text"); $result\_cart = mysql\_query($select\_cart); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_cart) \> 0) { $select\_digital\_check = "SELECT ct.cart\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."cart ct,".$tableprefix."products prd WHERE ct.product\_id = prd.product\_id AND prd.vdigital\_product = 'Y' AND ct.visitor\_cart\_id = '".addslashes(session\_id())."'"; //echo $select\_digital\_check; $result\_digital\_check = mysql\_query($select\_digital\_check) or die(mysql\_error()); /\*---checking gift coupon--\*/ $select\_gift\_coupon = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd,".$tableprefix."categories ctry, ".$tableprefix."cart ct WHERE prd.product\_category = ctry.category\_id AND ct.product\_id = prd.product\_id AND\_certificate\_flag = 'Y' AND ct.visitor\_cart\_id = '".addslashes(session\_id())."'"; //echo $select\_gift\_coupon; $result\_gift\_coupon = mysql\_query($select\_gift\_coupon) or die(mysql\_error()); //echo "digital=".mysql\_num\_rows($result\_digital\_check)." "; //echo "gift=".mysql\_num\_rows($result\_gift\_coupon)." "; if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_digital\_check) \> 0 || mysql\_num\_rows($result\_gift\_coupon) \> 0) { $select\_digital = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd WHERE prd.vdigital\_product = 'Y' AND prd.product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."'"; //echo $select\_digital; $result\_digital = mysql\_query($select\_digital) or die(mysql\_error()); /\*---checking gift coupon--\*/ $select\_gift\_coupon = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd,".$tableprefix."categories ctry WHERE prd.product\_category = ctry.category\_id AND\_certificate\_flag = 'Y' AND prd.product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."'"; //echo $select\_gift\_coupon; $result\_gift\_coupon = mysql\_query($select\_gift\_coupon) or die(mysql\_error()); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_digital) == 0 && mysql\_num\_rows($result\_gift\_coupon) == 0) { header("Location:viewcart.php?msg=cart\_error\_nondigital"); //echo "Since the cart contains digital product adding a non digital product is not possible !!"; exit; } } else { /\*----------Checking digital product ends------------\*/ /\*----------Checking non digital product starts------------\*/ $select\_digital = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd WHERE prd.vdigital\_product = 'Y' AND prd.product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."'"; //echo $select\_digital; $result\_digital = mysql\_query($select\_digital) or die(mysql\_error()); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_digital) \> 0) { //$cart\_error = "Since the cart contains non digital product adding a digital product is not possible !!"; header("Location:viewcart.php?msg=cart\_error\_digital"); exit; } /\*---checking gift coupon--\*/ $select\_gift\_coupon = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd,".$tableprefix."categories ctry WHERE prd.product\_category = ctry.category\_id AND\_certificate\_flag = 'Y' AND prd.product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."'"; //echo $select\_digital; $result\_gift\_coupon = mysql\_query($select\_gift\_coupon) or die(mysql\_error()); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_gift\_coupon) \> 0) { //$cart\_error = "Since the cart contains non digital product adding a digital product is not possible !!"; header("Location:viewcart.php?msg=cart\_error\_digital"); exit; } } /\*----------Checking non digital product ends------------\*/ } //} // shipping enable checking ends $sql = "SELECT cart\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."cart WHERE product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."' and visitor\_cart\_id = '".addslashes(session\_id())."' "; $res = mysql\_query($sql); if(mysql\_num\_rows($res) \> 0 ){ header("Location:viewcart.php?msg=updateqty"); exit; } $time = time(); $sql1 = "INSERT INTO ".$tableprefix."cart (visitor\_cart\_id,product\_id,quantity,status,datetime\_added) VALUES ('".addslashes(session\_id())."','".addslashes($productid)."','1','0','".addslashes($time)."') "; $res = mysql\_query($sql1); //echo $sql1; $cart\_insert\_id = mysql\_insert\_id(); $\_SESSION['SESS\_card\_id'] = $cart\_insert\_id; header("Location:viewcart.php"); exit; }else{ //if($check\_shipping\_enable == "Y") //{ // shipping enable checking starts /\*----------Checking digital product starts------------\*/ $select\_cart = "SELECT cart\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."cart WHERE user\_id = '".addslashes($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"])."'"; $result\_cart = mysql\_query($select\_cart); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_cart) \> 0) { $select\_digital\_check = "SELECT ct.cart\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."cart ct,".$tableprefix."products prd WHERE ct.product\_id = prd.product\_id AND prd.vdigital\_product = 'Y' AND ct.user\_id = '".addslashes($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"])."'"; $result\_digital\_check = mysql\_query($select\_digital\_check) or die(mysql\_error()); /\*---checking gift coupon--\*/ $select\_gift\_coupon = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd,".$tableprefix."categories ctry, ".$tableprefix."cart ct WHERE prd.product\_category = ctry.category\_id AND ct.product\_id = prd.product\_id AND\_certificate\_flag = 'Y' AND ct.user\_id = '".addslashes($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"])."'"; //echo $select\_gift\_coupon; $result\_gift\_coupon = mysql\_query($select\_gift\_coupon) or die(mysql\_error()); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_digital\_check) \> 0 || mysql\_num\_rows($result\_gift\_coupon) \> 0) { $select\_digital = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd WHERE prd.vdigital\_product = 'Y' AND prd.product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."'"; $result\_digital = mysql\_query($select\_digital) or die(mysql\_error()); /\*--gift coupon check---\*/ $select\_gift\_coupon = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd,".$tableprefix."categories ctry WHERE prd.product\_category = ctry.category\_id AND\_certificate\_flag = 'Y' AND prd.product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."'"; //echo $select\_gift\_coupon; $result\_gift\_coupon = mysql\_query($select\_gift\_coupon) or die(mysql\_error()); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_digital) == 0 && mysql\_num\_rows($result\_gift\_coupon) == 0) { header("Location:viewcart.php?msg=cart\_error\_nondigital"); //echo "Since the cart contains digital product adding a non digital product is not possible !!"; exit; } } else { /\*----------Checking digital product ends------------\*/ /\*----------Checking non digital product starts------------\*/ $select\_digital = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd WHERE prd.vdigital\_product = 'Y' AND prd.product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."'"; $result\_digital = mysql\_query($select\_digital) or die(mysql\_error()); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_digital) \> 0) { //$cart\_error = "Since the cart contains non digital product adding a digital product is not possible !!"; header("Location:viewcart.php?msg=cart\_error\_digital"); exit; } /\*---checking gift coupon--\*/ $select\_gift\_coupon = "SELECT prd.product\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."products prd,".$tableprefix."categories ctry WHERE prd.product\_category = ctry.category\_id AND\_certificate\_flag = 'Y' AND prd.product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."'"; //echo $select\_digital; $result\_gift\_coupon = mysql\_query($select\_gift\_coupon) or die(mysql\_error()); if(mysql\_num\_rows($result\_gift\_coupon) \> 0) { //$cart\_error = "Since the cart contains non digital product adding a digital product is not possible !!"; header("Location:viewcart.php?msg=cart\_error\_digital"); exit; } } /\*----------Checking non digital product ends------------\*/ } //} // shipping enable checking ends $sql = "SELECT cart\_id FROM ".$tableprefix."cart WHERE product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."' and user\_id = '".addslashes($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"])."' "; $res = mysql\_query($sql); if(mysql\_num\_rows($res) \> 0 ){ header("Location:viewcart.php?msg=updateqty"); exit; } $time = time(); $sql1 = "INSERT INTO ".$tableprefix."cart (user\_id,product\_id,quantity,status,datetime\_added) VALUES ('".addslashes($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"])."','".addslashes($productid)."','1','0','".addslashes($time)."') "; $res = mysql\_query($sql1); $cart\_insert\_id = mysql\_insert\_id(); $\_SESSION['SESS\_card\_id'] = $cart\_insert\_id; header("Location:viewcart.php"); exit; } } $prodimagedir = "products/"; $sql=" SELECT \* FROM ".$tableprefix."products WHERE product\_id = '".addslashes($productid)."' "; $sql\_im="select vimage\_name from ".$tableprefix."product\_view\_images where nimage\_productid ='".$productid."' "; $result\_im=mysql\_query($sql\_im) or die (mysql\_error()); $numrows=mysql\_num\_rows($result\_im); $sess\_back= $\_SERVER["PHP\_SELF"] . "?begin=" . $begin . "&num=" . $num . "&numBegin=" . $numBegin . "&cmbSearchType=" . $cmbSearchType . "&txtSearch=" . $txtSearch."&catid=" . $catid; //$\_SESSION["gbackurl"] = $sess\_back; $rs = mysql\_query($sql); if(mysql\_num\_rows($rs)!=0){ $prow = mysql\_fetch\_array($rs); $artistid =$prow["product\_artist\_id"]; } // Fetching Product Details if ($prow["product\_image\_small"]!="") { $product\_image=$prow["product\_image\_small"]; if(!empty($product\_image)) { // Rename Image Thumb; $imgexp=explode(".",$prow["product\_image\_small"]); $product\_image\_small=$imgexp[0]."\_thumb.jpg"; } // if ($prow["product\_image\_big"]!="") { $imageurl .= ""; } else{ $imageurl .= ""; }// end else } // end if else{ if($numrows\>0) { // product main image is not present take image from product\_view\_images $rr=mysql\_fetch\_array($result\_im); $prodimagedir="products/bulk\_images/"; $imgexp=explode(".",$rr['vimage\_name']); $product\_image\_small=$imgexp[0]."\_thumb.jpg"; $imageurl .= ""; } else { // if no images present display default iamge $product\_image=''; $prodimagedir="products/"; $imageurl = ""; } // end else } if( intval($prow["product\_stock"]) \> 0){ $productinstock = true; }else{ $productinstock = false; } $artistname = getArtistName($artistid); // End Details // Set Currency Value $get\_convert\_price = getSellerCurrency($productid); if($get\_convert\_price != "") { $converted\_price = ($prow["product\_price"]/$get\_convert\_price); } else { $converted\_price = $prow["product\_price"]; } $currency\_attributes = displayCurrencyType(); $display\_product\_price = $currency\_attributes[0]." ".number\_format(($currency\_attributes[1] \* $converted\_price),2,".",""); // End Set Currency Value // Item Description if(strlen($prow["product\_description"]) \> 650) { $product\_description\_format = substr($prow["product\_description"],0,650)." [more...](productdetails_more.php?productid=%2522.%2524_GET%255B)"; } else { $product\_description\_format =$prow["product\_description"]; } // End Item Description // Setting Referer if(strstr(basename($\_SERVER['HTTP\_REFERER']),"categorydetail.php") || strstr(basename($\_SERVER['HTTP\_REFERER']),"index.php")) { if (function\_exists('session\_unregister')) { (isset($\_SESSION['SESS\_url\_back']))?session\_unregister('SESS\_url\_back'):session\_register('SESS\_url\_back'); }//end if $\_SESSION['SESS\_url\_back'] = basename($\_SERVER['HTTP\_REFERER']); } // End Setting Reffer $check\_array = array('more\_images','ndisplay\_stock'); $settings = getSiteGeneralSettings($check\_array); // Disply Sller Rating Details $showSellerRating=''; //checking logged user buy the product atleast one $prodStatus=mysql\_query("select od.product\_name from ".$tableprefix."orders o left join ".$tableprefix."order\_details od on o.order\_id=od.order\_id where user\_id='".$\_SESSION["sess\_userid"]."' and product\_id='".$\_GET['productid']."'") or die(mysql\_error()); if(mysql\_num\_rows($prodStatus)\>0) { $showSellerRating=" Seller Rating'; $showProductRating=" | Product Rating'; $showProductReview=" | Post Product Review'; $showSellerRating=$showSellerRating.$showProductRating.$showProductReview.' | Product Review Listings'; }//end if else { $showSellerRating=' | Product Review Listings'; $showSellerRating2=' | Product Review Listings'; }//end else // End Seller rating Details /\*Report to display the number of times each product viewed\*/ if($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"] != "") { productViewedReport(GetSQLValueString($productid,"text"),$\_SESSION["sess\_userid"]); } /\*display the active template\*/ $active\_template = displayTemplate(); include "includes/htmltop.php"; /\* Top File Name \*/ include\_once ("includes/".$active\_template[0]); ?\> function clickSearch() { document.frmCatalog.submit(); } function openWindow(id) { var url = "viewimage.php?id="+id;,"Image","height=500,width=500,scrollbars=yes"); } <?php include_once("includes/categorylist.php");
?\> " method="POST" \> Product Details <?php // check if items exists in cart
if(mysql\_num\_rows($rs)\>0) // if product found start { ?\> Product ID : <?php echo htmlentities($prow["product_code"]);?> <?php echo $imageurl?>

Price: <?php echo $display_product_price?>
Seller: <?php echo $artistname;?>

<?php if($prow["discount"] !="0")
{ ?\> Discount: <?php echo htmlentities($prow["discount"]);?> <?php if($prow["discountdescription"] !="")
{ ?\> <?php echo $prow["discountdescription"];?> <?php }
} if($numrows\>0) { // if more images present display images ?\> <?php $k=0;
$num\_cells = 3; $count = 1; while($rr=mysql\_fetch\_array($result\_im)) { $imgdir="products/bulk\_images/"; $pimage=mysql\_result($result\_im,$k,"vimage\_name"); $pimagename=$pimage; $imgexp1=explode(".",$pimagename); $product\_thumb\_image\_small=$imgexp1[0]."\_thumb.jpg"; if(file\_exists($imgdir.$pimagename)) { // check file exists in directory or not if($count == 1) { echo"|"; } ?\> <?php if($count == $num_cells) {
echo" "; $count = 1; } else { $count++; } } // end image exists check $k++; }//end while ?\> <?php }//end if?><?php // Check if product stock exists
if($productinstock && $settings[1] == "Y")

?><?php echo $prow['product_stock']?> Item(s)

<?php }
?\> <?php if($productinstock)
{ ?\> <?php }
else { ?\> <?php }
?\> Product Name :<?php echo htmlentities($prow["product_name"]);?> <?php echo html_entity_decode($product_description_format); ?>

Post Feedback about seller |
View feedbacks about seller |

<?php if($enable_seller_friendly == "Y")
{ ?\>[View seller's Portfolio](store/%3C?php%2520echo%2520%2524artistname;?%3E) <?php }
else { ?\>[View seller's Portfolio](showportfolio.php?artistid=%3C?php%2520echo%2520%2524artistid?%3E) <?php }
if($\_SESSION["sess\_userid"]!="") { echo $showSellerRating; }//end if else { echo $showSellerRating2; }//end if ?\> <?php } // end item check
else { ?\> Product not found !! <?php } // // if product found end
?\> <?php include "includes/".$active_template[2]; /* Bottom File Name */


Erstens: Ich vermute mal dass der Player nur mit XSPF-Wiedergabelisten und nicht direkt mit mp3-Dateien arbeitet. Du müsstest also noch ein Script schreiben was diese Listen erst mal erzeugt. Vielleicht wäre ein anderer Player sinnvoller.

Zweitens: Wenn das ein Shop werden soll, dann musst du deine mp3s gegen kostenlose Downloads sichern. Das geht entweder über Einmallinks, die man dem Player übergibt (mit dem Effekt dass die ganzen Download-Plugins mit dem Link nichts anfangen können, da er durch den Player schon verbraucht ist) oder über gekürzte Hörproben.
Einmallinks sind mit PHP und MySQL recht leicht zu basteln und hindern 99,9% der Internetnutzer am kostenlosen Download, für gekürzte Hörproben wird man system() verwenden müssen um ein Programm wie ffmpeg oder mencoder einzubinden.

Aber wenn das was ernstes werden soll noch mal der Tipp: Such dir jemanden, der das professionell macht.

Gruß, sigterm

PS: Ich frage mich, wo dein bisheriger Code eigentlich herkommt.