Musiker sucht Freiwillige

Hallo Gemeinde.

Leider ist mir meine Sammlung von englischen Liedertexten völlig durcheinandergeraten. Wer mag mir helfen, rauszukriegen, welche 20 Lieder sich in diesem Chaos verbergen?

Viel Spaß!
Eillicht zu Vensre

born down a i i i mama all am big i in theres 
if youve got a when think wheels money if take a when the buddy long 
lady dont keep i just you davys a on could there read was a a picture 
problem must my poor yourself on its i in little dont im boy care 
night the whos leaves dead the are what youre bitty a sure i turning
all a mans am wanna gonna mind love a be town though it some boy my 
storys long seldom that told has be time the said this gas baby road 
make grab boat was standing carry first talk kick born by kind 
glitters that a i took is cash i was again on a come ago badge my 
river in i can think if is about still off mama used things of and the 
you its me today what with need when gold land me wearing is to way 
weve yeah but both a home a a the i water rock me river gone the in 
hand i out the remember girl can a big with brown i tale hit the 
doesnt and cradle how ground dark flow it the boils to through assure 
sky tangerine hands though noise different and thats cant of my cross 
its that is use see you 
playing here hurting it me fire hurricane and driving with in any my 
of music kin the street gonna clothes and this now its thoughts 
history the every could tell i be trees more again howled used said at 
to my me a poison big make and mad moon ma you make is grey is the 
only light the we marmalade skies can man will some a in stash the day 
see going think juggler away me to the smile driving of thief 

Wer die deutsche Version benötigt, bitte schön - danke, Fisch!

Gruß Eillicht zu Vensre

hinunter war mich getragen ich i Mutter alle morgens, das grosses
i in den theres, wenn youve erhielt, wenn denken Sie, daß Radgeld, 
wenn das Nehmen, das ist, wenn die lange Dame des Freundes i nicht 
gerecht Sie davys a an halten dort lesen könnte, ein Abbildung Problem 
muß meine Armen sich auf seinem i in wenig nicht Junge im Obachtnacht 
die whos Blätter absolut sind, was das bitty youre ein sicheres i 
turningall a morgens wünschen zum Gehen, sich um Liebe zwar zu kümmern 
eine seinstadt es irgendein Junge meine storys lang selten bemannt, 
die hat Zeit, zu sein erklärten, die besagten diese Gasbabystraße 
Zupackenboot standen tragen den ersten Gespräch Stoß bilden, der durch 
freundliches Funkeln getragen wird, das ich nahm bin Bargeld ich war 
wieder auf gekommen vor Abzeichen mein Fluß, innen, das ich denken 
kann, wenn über ruhiges weg von Mutter verwendeten Sachen von und Sie 
seine ich heute sind, was mit Notwendigkeit, wenn Gold mich tragend 
landen, zum Weise weve yeah ist, aber schaukeln ein Haus das i Wasser 
mich, Fluß gegangene machen in Hand I aus dem erinnern Mädchen ein 
grosses mit Geschichte des Brauns I schlagen das doesnt und 
Aufnahmevorrichtung ein, wie dunkler Grundfluß es die Blutgeschwüre zu 
durchgehendem Himmeltangerinehänden noise zwar unterschiedliches 
versichern und thats Neigung meines seines Kreuzes, das Gebrauch ist, 
Sie sehen, ihn hier verletzen ich Feuerhurrikan und mit in jedem 
möglichem meinem der Musikstämme fahren zu spielen die Straße, die 
jetzt zur Kleidung und zu dieser seine Gedanken Geschichte geht, die, 
jedes i erklären könnte, ist die Bäume besagt wieder geheult verwendet 
an zu meinem mich ein grosses Gift bilden und wütender Mond MA Sie 
bilden, ist ist das einzige Licht wir grau, können Marmeladehimmel 
bemannen einige a beiseite schaffen innen den Tag sehen das Gehen, 
Jongleur ich zum Lächelnfahren des Diebregens weg zu denken

[MOD] Komplettzitat gelöscht

Davys On The Road Again

Der Rest dürfte jetzt ein Kinderspiel sein!


Sortiert …
Hallo EzV,

hab’s mal alphabetisch geordnet … :wink:

a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a about again again ago all all am am and and and and and and any are assure at away baby badge be be be big big big bitty boat boils born born both boy boy brown buddy but by can can can cant care carry cash clothes come could could cradle cross dark davys day dead different doesnt dont dont down driving driving every fire first flow gas girl glitters going gold gone gonna gonna got grab grey ground hand hands has here history hit home how howled hurricane hurting i i i i i i i i i i i i i i if if if im in in in in in in is is is is is is it it it its its its its juggler just keep kick kin kind lady land leaves light little long long love ma mad make make make mama mama man mans marmalade me me me me me me mind money moon more music must my my my my my my need night noise now of of of of off on on on only out picture playing poison poor problem rain read remember river river road rock said said see see seldom skies sky smile some some standing stash still storys street sure take tale talk tangerine tell that that that thats the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the there theres thief things think think think this this though though thoughts through time to to to to today told took town trees turning use used used wanna was was was water way we wearing weve what what wheels when when when whos will with with with yeah you you you you youre yourself youve

Lady Marmalade steckt drin. Aber von wem … weder LaBelle, noch X-tina zu finden … Oder suchen wir nur die Titel?

Sibylle aus M


hab’s mal alphabetisch geordnet … :wink:

Genauso gut und zielführend wäre es gewesen, alles rüclwärts hinzuschreiben … :wink: die Reihenfolge spielt schon irgendwie eine Geige.

Lady Marmalade steckt drin.

Nö :-þ

Oder suchen wir nur die Titel?

Frau S. aus M. hat sich bemüht, die Aufgabe zu verstehen *eg*

Gruß Eillicht zu Vensre

Ächz …

Hallo Gemeinde.


Ich habe jetzt vier Stück Stücke rausgepfriemelt. (Allerdings habe ich keine Ahnung, ob ich die Wörter an hilfreichen Stellen entnommen habe.)

Das ist der traurige Rest:

born down a i i i mama am big i in 
if youve got a when think wheels money if take when buddy long 
dont keep i just you a could there read was a a 
problem must my poor on its i little dont im boy care 
night the dead what youre bitty a i turning
mans am wanna gonna mind love a be town though it some boy my 
storys long seldom told has be time said this gas baby 
make grab was standing carry first talk kick born by kind 
that a i took cash i was a come ago badge my 
in i can think if is about still off mama used things of the 
you its me today what need when land me is to way 
weve yeah but both a home a a the i water rock me river gone the in 
hand i out the remember girl can a big with i tale hit 
doesnt and cradle how ground dark flow it the boils to through assure 
hands though noise and thats cant of my cross 
its that is use see you 
playing here hurting it me fire hurricane driving with in any my 
of music kin the street gonna and this now its thoughts 
history the every could tell i be more howled used said at 
to my me a poison big make and mad moon ma you make is the 
only light the we can man will some a in stash the day 
see going think juggler away me to the smile driving of thief 

(1) all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
(2) davys on the road again wearing different clothes again 
(3) picture yourself in a boat on the river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies 
(4) theres a lady whos sure all that glitters is gold 

Ich geh’ jetzt erstmal Abendbrot essen.


Klatsch …
… Du hast vier Stücke erkannt.

(1) all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
(2) davys on the road again wearing different clothes again
(3) picture yourself in a boat on the river with tangerine
trees and marmalade skies
(4) theres a lady whos sure all that glitters is gold

Ein kleiner Fehler bei (3) : es heißt „on a river“.

Wie heißen denn die Liedels?

Nur keine Müdizität vorschützen …

Gruß Eillicht zu Vensre

Hai (wo?),

hätte mal die Anleitung genauer lesen sollen … :wink: Jetzt hab’ ich’s kapiert, wir suchen Zeilen aus Liedtexten. Da kann ich leider nicht mitspielen - ich habe den Eindruck, Deine Sammlung ist 10-20 Jahre älter als ich! :smiley:

S. aus M.

Hab einen!

Hallo Gemeinde.


Habe doch eine Zeile gefunden, es zahlt sich aus, Whoopie Goldberg Fan zu sein!

Das ist der Rest von Ralf und mir (irgendwo muss ein „the“ wieder rein, dafür ein „a“ raus):

born down a i i mama am big i in
if youve got a when think wheels money if take when buddy long
dont keep i just you a could there read a a
problem must my poor on its i little dont im boy care
night the dead what youre bitty a i turning
mans am wanna gonna mind love a be town though it some boy my
storys long seldom told has be time said this gas baby
make grab was standing carry first talk kick by kind
that a i took cash i was a come ago badge my
in i can think if is about still off mama used things of the
you its me today what need when land me is to way
weve yeah but both a home a a the i water rock me river gone
hand i out the remember girl can big with i tale hit
doesnt and cradle how ground dark flow it the boils to through
hands though noise and thats cant of my
its that is use see you
playing here hurting it me driving with in any
of music kin the street gonna and this now its thoughts
history the every could tell i be more howled used said at
to my me a poison big make and mad moon ma you make is the
only light the we can man will some a in stash the day
see going think juggler away me to the smile driving of thief

(1) all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
(2) davys on the road again wearing different clothes again
(3) picture yourself in a boat on the river with tangerine
trees and marmalade skies
(4) theres a lady whos sure all that glitters is gold

(5) I was born in a cross-fire hurricane

Sibylle aus M

Hi Eillicht zu Vensre,

Wie heißen denn die Liedels?

(1) all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey

Mamas And Papas „California Dreamin’“

(2) davys on the road again wearing different clothes again

MM mit Davy´s on the road again

(3) picture yourself in a boat on the river with tangerine
trees and marmalade skies

Fab Four LSD

(4) theres a lady whos sure all that glitters is gold

Stairway to Heaven von den Zeppelinen


Jumping Jack Flash v.d. Rolling Stones (owT)
(5) I was born in a cross-fire hurricane

Sibylle aus M

Zwischenstand + noch zwei
Gemein, dieses Rätsel. Ich will jetzt schlafen!

Bei Sibylles JJF tauchte noch die zweite Zeile auf, und Brutze Springsteen kam zum Vorschein.

Oh, und noch einer.

Aktueller Rest (a vs. the Fehler ist korrigiert):

a i i mama am i 
if youve got when think money if take when buddy long 
dont i just you a could there read a the 
problem must my poor its i little dont im boy care 
night what youre bitty a i 
am wanna gonna mind love a be though it some boy my 
storys long seldom told has be time said this gas baby 
make grab was standing talk by kind 
that a cash i a come ago badge my 
i can think if is about still off mama used things of the 
you its today what need land me is to way 
weve yeah but both a a the water rock me river gone the in 
hand i out remember girl can a big with i tale 
doesnt cradle how dark flow it the boils through assure 
hands though noise and thats cant of my 
its that is use you 
playing here hurting it me driving with in any 
of music the street gonna and this now its thoughts 
history the every could tell be more used said 
to me a poison big make and mad moon you make is the 
only light the we can man will some a stash day 
see going think juggler away me to the smile of thief 

(1) Mamas and Papas - California Dreamin’

all the leaves are brown 
and the sky is grey

(2) Manfred Mann - Davy’s on the Road again

davy's on the road again 
wearing different clothes again

(3) Die Büdels - Lucy in the Sky wioth Diamonds

picture yourself in a boat on a river 
with tangerine trees and marmalade skies

(4) Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven

there's a lady who's sure 
all that glitters is gold

(5) Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash

i was born in a cross-fire hurricane 
and i howled at my ma in the driving rain

(6) Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA

born down in a dead mans town 
the first kick i took was when i hit the ground

(7) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

big wheels keep on turning 
carry me home to see my kin

Gute Nacht,

Und noch #8
Verflixt …

a i i am i 
if youve got when think money if when buddy long 
dont i just you a could there read a the 
problem must my poor its i little dont im boy care 
night what youre bitty a i 
am wanna gonna mind love a be though it some boy my 
storys long seldom told has be time said gas baby 
make grab was standing talk by kind 
that a cash i a come ago my 
i can think if is about still mama used things of the 
you its today what need land me is to way 
weve yeah but both a a the water rock me river gone the in 
hand i out remember girl can a big with tale 
doesnt cradle how dark flow it the boils through assure 
hands though noise and thats my 
its that is you 
playing here hurting driving with in 
of music the street gonna and this now its thoughts 
history the every could tell be used said 
to me a poison big make and mad moon you make is the 
only light the we can man will some a stash day 
see going think juggler away me to the smile of thief 

(1) Mamas and Papas - California Dreamin’

all the leaves are brown 
and the sky is grey

(2) Manfred Mann - Davy’s on the Road again

davy's on the road again 
wearing different clothes again

(3) The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

picture yourself in a boat on a river 
with tangerine trees and marmalade skies

(4) Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven

there's a lady who's sure 
all that glitters is gold

(5) Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash

i was born in a cross-fire hurricane 
and i howled at my ma in the driving rain

(6) Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA

born down in a dead mans town 
the first kick i took was when i hit the ground

(7) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

big wheels keep on turning 
carry me home to see my kin

(8) Bob Dylan - Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

mama take this badge off of me 
i cant use it any more

Jetzt aber gute Nacht!

Nummer 9
Hah, so langsam komme ich in Schwung!

Hier der Rest:

a i i
if youve got when think money if when buddy long
dont i you could there read a the
problem must my its i little dont im care
night what youre bitty a i
am wanna gonna mind love a be it some boy 
long has be time said gas baby
make grab was standing talk by kind
that a cash i a come ago my
i can think if is about still mama used things of the
you its today what need land me is to way
weve yeah but both a a the water rock me river gone the in
hand i out remember girl can a big with tale
doesnt cradle how dark flow it the boils through assure
hands though noise and thats my
its that is you
playing here hurting driving with in
of music the street gonna and this now its thoughts
history the every could tell be used said
to me a poison big make and mad moon you make is the
only light the we can man will some a stash day
see going think juggler away me to the smile of thief

(1) Mamas and Papas - California Dreamin’

all the leaves are brown
and the sky is grey

(2) Manfred Mann - Davy’s on the Road again

davy’s on the road again
wearing different clothes again

(3) The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

picture yourself in a boat on a river
with tangerine trees and marmalade skies

(4) Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven

there’s a lady who’s sure
all that glitters is gold

(5) Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash

i was born in a cross-fire hurricane
and i howled at my ma in the driving rain

(6) Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA

born down in a dead mans town
the first kick i took was when i hit the ground

(7) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

big wheels keep on turning
carry me home to see my kin

(8) Bob Dylan - Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

mama take this badge off of me
i cant use it any more

(9) Simon and Garfunkel - The Boxer

I am just a poor boy though my story's seldom told

Sibylle aus M

Hallo Gemeinde.

hallo Gemeiner

ist da Journey mitgereist?
beispielshalber mit wheels in the sky keep on turning


Und Nummer 10 …
Werde immer besser …

Hier der Rest:

a i i
if youve got think money if buddy long
dont i you could there read a
problem must my its i little dont im care
what youre bitty a i
am wanna gonna mind love a be it some boy
long be time said gas baby
make grab was standing talk by kind
that a cash i a ago my
i can think if is about still mama used things of
you its today what need me to way
weve yeah but both a a the water rock me river gone the in
hand i out remember girl can a big with tale
doesnt cradle how flow it the boils through assure
hands though noise thats my
its that is you
playing here hurting driving with in
of music street gonna this now its thoughts
history the every could tell be used said
to me a poison big make and mad you make
the can man will some a stash day
going think juggler away me to the smile of thief

(1) Mamas and Papas - California Dreamin’

all the leaves are brown
and the sky is grey

(2) Manfred Mann - Davy’s on the Road again

davy's on the road again
wearing different clothes again

(3) The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

picture yourself in a boat on a river
with tangerine trees and marmalade skies

(4) Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven

there's a lady who's sure
all that glitters is gold

(5) Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash

i was born in a cross-fire hurricane
and i howled at my ma in the driving rain

(6) Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA

born down in a dead mans town
the first kick i took was when i hit the ground

(7) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

big wheels keep on turning
carry me home to see my kin

(8) Bob Dylan - Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

mama take this badge off of me
i cant use it any more

(9) Simon and Garfunkel - The Boxer

I am just a poor boy 
though my story's seldom told

(10) Ben E. King - Stand By Me

When the night has come and the land is dark 
and the moon is the only light we see 

Die Reihenfolge hat zwar nicht gestimmt, aber die Wörter waren alle drin. Ich habe sie rausgenommen, die Summe stimmt also.

Vergnügte Grüße von
Sibylle aus M

Nummer 11
(11) Pink Floyd - Money

Money, it's a gas
grab that cash with both hands and make a stash

Die Reste:

a i i
if youve got think if buddy long
dont i you could there read a
problem must my i little dont im care
what youre bitty i
am wanna gonna mind love a be it some boy
long be time said baby
make was standing talk by kind
a i a ago my
i can think if is about still mama used things of
you its today what need me to way
weve yeah but a a the water rock me river gone the in
hand i out remember girl can a big tale
doesnt cradle how flow it the boils through assure
though noise thats my
its that is you
playing here hurting driving with in
of music street gonna this now its thoughts
history the every could tell be used said
to me a poison big make mad you
the can man will some day
going think juggler away me to the smile of thief

S. aus M.

evtl. war auch
Gordon Leichtfuß dabei
if you could read my mind

12 und 13
Süchtig …

Die Reste:

a i i think buddy long dont i there must i little im youre bitty i
am wanna gonna a be some boy long be time said baby
make was standing talk by kind a i a ago my
i can think about still mama used things of
you its today me to way
weve yeah but the water rock me river gone the in
out remember girl a big
doesnt cradle how flow it the boils through
though noise thats its that is playing here hurting driving with in
of music street gonna now its history the every be used said
to me a poison big make mad you the can man will some day
going think juggler away me to the smile of thief

(12) Gordon Lightfoot – If you could read my mind
If you could read my mind love
what a tale my thoughts could tell

(13) Elvis Presley – I can help
If you’ve got a problem, don’t care what it is
If you need a hand, I can assure you this

S. aus M.

auch Don war dabei
vor langer, langer Zeit
ich kann mich noch erinnern
wie die Musik mich zum lächeln brachte

A long, long time ago,
I can still remember how that music made me smile

Don McLean