Hallo Gemeinde.
Leider ist mir meine Sammlung von englischen Liedertexten völlig durcheinandergeraten. Wer mag mir helfen, rauszukriegen, welche 20 Lieder sich in diesem Chaos verbergen?
Viel Spaß!
Eillicht zu Vensre
born down a i i i mama all am big i in theres
if youve got a when think wheels money if take a when the buddy long
lady dont keep i just you davys a on could there read was a a picture
problem must my poor yourself on its i in little dont im boy care
night the whos leaves dead the are what youre bitty a sure i turning
all a mans am wanna gonna mind love a be town though it some boy my
storys long seldom that told has be time the said this gas baby road
make grab boat was standing carry first talk kick born by kind
glitters that a i took is cash i was again on a come ago badge my
river in i can think if is about still off mama used things of and the
you its me today what with need when gold land me wearing is to way
weve yeah but both a home a a the i water rock me river gone the in
hand i out the remember girl can a big with brown i tale hit the
doesnt and cradle how ground dark flow it the boils to through assure
sky tangerine hands though noise different and thats cant of my cross
its that is use see you
playing here hurting it me fire hurricane and driving with in any my
of music kin the street gonna clothes and this now its thoughts
history the every could tell i be trees more again howled used said at
to my me a poison big make and mad moon ma you make is grey is the
only light the we marmalade skies can man will some a in stash the day
see going think juggler away me to the smile driving of thief