ja aber laut fehler ist der aber da. egal, komplette datei:
function getURL(){
$rtn = 'http://'. $\_SERVER['SERVER\_NAME'] . $\_SERVER['PHP\_SELF'];
if(count($\_GET) \> 0){
$rtn .= "?";
foreach($\_GET as $key=\>$value){
$rtn .= $key."=".$value.'&';
$rtn = (substr($rtn,-1) == '&' ? substr($rtn,0,-1) : $rtn);
return $rtn;
function getHighestModuleId($fill = false,$modules = ""){
if($modules == "")
$modules = $GLOBALS['modules'];
$id = 0;
$foundfreeplace = false;
for($i = 0; $i content); $i++){
if($id content[$i]-\>id)){
if($fill == true){
if($foundfreeplace == false)
$id = intval($modules-\>content[$i]-\>id);
} else
$id = intval($modules-\>content[$i]-\>id);
return $id;
function createNewModule($fill = false,$modules = ""){
if($modules == "")
$modules = $GLOBALS['modules'];
$id = 0;
$foundfreeplace = false;
for($i = 0; $i content); $i++){
if($id content[$i]-\>id)){
if($fill == true){
if($foundfreeplace == false)
$id = intval($modules-\>content[$i]-\>id)+1;
} else
$id = intval($modules-\>content[$i]-\>id)+1;
$xml = $modules-\>addChild('content');
function setParam($param,$value,$url = ""){
setGETParams(String $param, String $value [, String $url])
Sets an GET-Parameter for the givven URL ($url). $param is the
parameter-name and $value the value. The function can be used to
change the value for the parameter or to add the parameter
including the value. $param will always converted to lowercase.
Can be used for EVERY url, if ? is not present, it'll be added.
If $url is not specified, the actual url (getURL():wink: will be used.
If $value is an empty string, the parameter $param will be deleted
including the value.
Other Parameters than the givven will not be modified.
Returns an String with the givven parameters
runtime errors
$url = (strval($url) == "" ? getURL() : strval($url));
$uurl = (strval($url) == "" ? getURL() : strval($url));
$url = (strpos($url,'?') != false ? substr($url,strpos($url,'?')+1) : "");
$oldparams = explode('&',$url);
$found = false;
$newparams = array();
foreach($oldparams as $p){
if($p != ""){
$pc = explode('=',$p);
$newparams[strtolower($pc[0])] = $pc[1];
$newparams[strtolower(strval($param))] = strval($value);
$rtn = str\_replace('?'.$url,'',$uurl);
$rtn .= '?';
foreach($newparams as $p=\>$v){
if($v != "")
$rtn .= $p.'='.$v.'&';
$rtn = substr($rtn,0,-1);
return $rtn;
function getLoggedInUser($users){
getLoggedInUser(SimpleXMLElement $users)
Gets the actual logged-in users by hash-checking. The hash will got from $\_SESSION['user'].
Returns if
... the user was identified, the username
... the user was not found or no one is logged in, an empty string
SimpleXML errors, runtime errors
$user = '';
for($LIUa=0; $LIUa user); $LIUa++){
if(strval($\_SESSION['user']) == strval(sha1(strval($users-\>user[$LIUa]-\>name)))){
$user = strval($users-\>user[$LIUa]-\>name);
return $user;
function getPageNo($id,$pages = $GLOBAL['pages']){
$rtn = -1;
for($PNa=0; $PNapage); $PNa++){
if(intval($pages-\>page[$PNa]-\>id) == intval($id))
$rtn = $PNa;
return $rtn;
function getModuleNo($id,$modules){
$rtn = -1;
for($PNa=0; $PNacontent); $PNa++){
if(intval($modules-\>content[$PNa]-\>id) == intval($id))
$rtn = $PNa;
return $rtn;
function getUserRights($userno,$users){
getUserRights(Int $userno, SipleXMLElement $users)
Gets the Rights of the User with the givven index ($userno). Including assigned groups.
Returns if
... the user was found, all rights as an Array with String-elements
... the user was not found, an empty Array
Type errors, SimpleXML errors, runtime errors
$rights[] = array();
$rights = explode(' ',strval($users-\>user[$userno]-\>rights));
if($users-\>user[$userno]-\>group != ''){
$u\_group = explode(' ',$users-\>user[$userno]-\>groups);
for($b=0; $b group as $xug){
if($xug-\>name == $u\_group){
$ugr = explode(' ',$xug-\>rights);
foreach($ugr as $right)
$rights[] = $right;
return $rights;
function getUserNo($username,$users,$strict = false){
getUserNo(String $username, SipleXMLElement $users[, boolean $strict])
Gets the actual element-index for the givven Username ($username).
$strict ist normally false, set it to true, if you want a case-sesetive
search. $users is the SimpleXMLElement for the UserXML, the haystack.
Returns if
... the user was found, the index (int) of the -Element in $users
... the user was not found -1 (int)
Type errors, SimpleXML errors, runtime errors
$user = -1;
$username = ($strict ? $username : strtolower($username));
for($UNa=0; $UNa user); $UNa++){
$actual\_user = ($strict ? strval($users-\>user[$UNa]-\>name) : strtolower(strval($users-\>user[$UNa]-\>name)));
if($actual\_user == $username){
$user = $UNa;
return $user;