Rockstar Massage Scam?

Guten Morgen Freunde,

ich weiß nicht, wie ich mit folgender Mail umgehen soll. Geht es dabei etwa wieder um ungedeckte Schecks als Vorschuss? Habe seit gestern Abend einen regen E-Mail Austausch mit der Absenderin!

Cindy Gottfried - Stage Hands [email protected]
Looking for a sports massage for a music band Stuttgart, 22 March
Hello massage therapists!
Stage Hands Massage Therapy offers healthcare to the touring music industry
worldwide. We have a member of a band called Dream Theater who will be
arriving in Stuttgart on 22 March. He has been receiving a sports
massage once a week from us in different cities and would like a one
hour sports massage in his hotel at 12pm on 22 March. The hotel is to be
determined. This would require the therapist to bring her own table and
supplies. He requests a female and it must be sports massage. This is
safe, professional and strictly therapeutic.
Would you have anyone available and also what would your rate be?
Thank you!
„The Hands That Rock, massaging for charity to bring the magic of music to underprivileged children.“
Donate Here:
Cindy Gottfried
Director of Tour Coordinating
Stage Hands Massage Therapy, Inc.
The Hands That Rock
+1 (617) 797-3585


dann bleib dran, vielleicht wird das eine Freundschaft fürs Lehm. Oder sogar noch mehr, wer weiß denn schon, was aus einer doofen SPAM alles erwachsen kann.

Ich kenn mich ja mit dem Magister nicht aus, aber gehören zur Germanistik nicht wenigstens Grundkenntnisse in Englisch?

Gruß Ralf

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