Hallo allemiteinander!
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Artikel von der relativ berühmten amerikanischen Journalistin Ruth Rosen. Der Titel lautet „The great escape or the surrogant world of soap operas“.
Ich hab schon mehrere Zeitungsarchive nach diesem Artikel durchwühlt, ihn aber leider nicht gefunden. Der Artikel müsste zwischen 1970 und 1985-90 entstanden sein. Soviel ich weiß, geht es um die Auswirkung, die Soap operas auf das normale Leben haben und die große Aufmerksamkeit, die die Amerikaner ihren Soaps zukommen lassen.
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiter helfen!
Lg, Jana
Soap Operas: The Search for Yesterday, 1986
Hello, Jana
„GITLIN, Todd (ed.)
Watching television: a Pantheon guide to popular culture.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1986.
Examination of how television reflects American popular culture in the Reagan era.
In her chapter, ‘Soap operas: the search for yesterday’, Ruth Rosen offers critical and
somewhat unsympathetic explanations why soaps are so popular in America. She argues that
the ideal of the small town is still a potent myth in the American imagination. She also notes
that many Americans have long felt the need to belong to associations. Soaps can partly fulfil
these needs by offering a stable community. Newcomers, both new characters and new
viewers, can only join, enjoy and thrive in this community if they succumb to this
‘Reaganesque’ view of America. …“
Here is a review of ‚Taking Soaps Seriously‘ by Michael Intintoli written by Ruth Rosen in the Journal of
Historian and journalist Ruth Rosen, a former columnist for the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco
Chronicle, teaches at the University of California, Berkeley, and is a senior fellow at the Longview
Institute. More information:
[email protected]
Hello Adam!
Thank you for your help. I think your answer is very helpful!
Greetings, Jana