Scotland Yard und der Brasilianer

Yep. Dem ist so. Die eine Einheit, die das Haus bewachte, und ihn dann verfolgte, war auch (so wird berichtet) entsetzt, als die andere Einheit (das Sonderkommando mit Scharfschützen) schoss.

Ein faux pas, der wohl zum Teil an Kommunikationsproblemen lag.
Kommt ja öfters vor. Nur, dass bei diesem Kommunikationsproblem eben nen vollkommen unschuldiger, unwissender Mensch getötet wurde.

It left me speechless even when the details hadn’t been leaked yet - there is a bloke, Brazilians don’t exactly look like Arabs, leaving his house, and he’s being followed by police, and they’re so thick as to believe they’re following the right guy… how stupid can they be???

And THAT stupidity, at least as much as the communication problem, led to him being shot.

That part of the story is the scariest for me. That’s the beginning of everything going wrong. There wouldn’t have been a special commando going into the tube station if someone had copped the guy wasn’t who they were looking for. As I said, he was Brazilian, for Christ’s sake, he didn’t look like an Arab, even if his skin colour wasn’t that of a white English bloke!!!
