To hell Bin Laden !

If you want to see the Internet again, give us Mr. Bin Laden and $ 5 Mill USD in a brown paper bag.


Fluffi B.

To all those who justify murder in the name of their religion,

I will not attempt to explain all the faults in religion for that would be to much for people to handle at one time.

Religion’s formed and spred throughout societies. They attempt to form a strict set of moral and social guidelines in which all men should live.

Who are they to tell people how they should live? But they have and people have listened because it gives them a sense of stability and no need to think. They believe that following society around them is „good“ and questioning it is „bad.“

Although people may question their society, any excuse to fall back into the norm is taken. Its a lot easier to be good. So now what happens when people from another religion live amoung you?

Their ingrained idea of „good“ is not your idea of „good.“

How do they resolve this discrepency? Although many let others have their opinions, there will always be the instigators amoung us. How will they react, especially when faced with hardship?

They will blame the people who don’t prescribe to their idea of „good.“ And why not they dont follow God’s way.

They must be evil. No society is immune from this. Obviously where it is most aparent is in the conflict between Israel and Palestein. The Israelis believe they are God’s chosen people. It is their right to control the holy land. Surely anyone fighting for it will be rewarded after they die. The Palestines believe they are in a jihad, a holy war. Anyone dying in a holy war will be rewarded with a herram of the 30 most beautiful women. Doesn’t this seem a little childish? How is this gonna stop? Yes even if 99% of the people realize how stupid this is there will still be that 1% that is looking for a fight. So the Mulims and Jews hate each other.

But why do I rant about this now? The United States is that different culture to all the poor societies in the world. They are the self proclaimed „beacon of freedom.“

But you can’t take part in this. Your country is not fit. The IMF and the World Bank make sure of this. If your country is poor, and you are offered loans and/or grants from someone else, isn’t it ok to let them influence your policy? They’re your benevolant neighbor trying to help. We all know that much money isn’t handed out out of the goodness in someones heart. They see that it will benefit them. So the IMF and the Worldbank gives out their money and influences policy. Why do they wish to influence policy? To promote the economic growth and get more competetion? Or maybe to promote cheap labor to fund their own industries… I think the answer there is obvious.

Now we have the United States coming into every country in the world influencing their societies. Conflicting with their version of „good“ is. Can’t we predict this violence? Do we really not see this coming.

How naive could soemone be to not expect this. If only we could get rid of these strick moral and social guidelines… get rid of religion.

-Philo Bunny