- in Apollo 13 haben sie Probleme mit der Fäkalienentsorgung
und müssen die Beutel mit Urin im Inneren des Raumschiffs
Apollo 13 ist eigentlich kein Science Fiction film, sondern ein Doku-Drama. Die hatten das Problem ja tatsächlich.
Weils so „wunderschön“ ist aus „A man on the moon“ (über Apollo 8):
„But one aspect of weightlessness was so unpleasant that even the thrill of exploration didn’t make up for it. If this marvel of engineering called Apollo had one major design flaw, it was the „Waste Management System“ perhaps the most euphemistic use of English ever recorded. For urine collection there was a hose with a condom-like fitting at one end, which led by way of a valve to a vent on the side of the spacecraft. On paper it looked like a reasonable if low-tech way to handle urination in zero-g, assuming you got over your anxiety about connecting your private parts to the vacuum of space. You roll on the condom, open the valve and it all goes into the void. (…) In reality, the urine collector didn’t work out so well. For one thing, it could be painful. If you opened the valve too soon some part of the mechanism was liable to poke into the end of your penis, which tended to prevent you from urination. And at that point, as if to confirm your worst fears, the suction began to pull you in. Now you were being jabbed and pulled at the same time, so you shut off the valve, and as the mechanism released itself it caught a little piece of you in it. It only took one episode like this to convince you not to let it happen again. Next time you had a strategy: Start flowing a split second before you turn on the valve. But once you began to urinate, the condom popped off and out came a flurry of little golden droplets at play in the wonderland floating around and making your misfortune everyones misfortune. (…)
But there was no way getting used to the other part of the waste management system: Tucked away in a storage locker was a supply of plastic bags, each of which resembled a top hat with an adhesive coating on the brim. Each bag had a kind of finger shaped pocket built into the side of it. When the call game you had to flypaper this thing to your rear end, and then you were supposed to reach in there with your finger - after all nothing falls - and suddenly you were wishing you never left home. And after you had it in the bag, so to speak, you had one last delightful task: Break up a capsule of blue germicide, seal it up in the bag, and knead the contents to make sure they were fully mixed. At best, the whole operation was an ordeal. In the confined space of the command module, your crewmates suffered too.“
Später wird auch noch beschrieben, wie Borman sich übergeben musste und wie das Erbrochene sich in Schwerelosigkeit in der Raumkapsel verteilte. Der Gestank im Inneren muss so schlimm gewesen sein, dass der Taucher, der die Kabinentür nach der Wasserung öffnete, fast in Ohnmacht gefallen ist.
Nun aber zur Science Fiction:
- in 2001 sieht man kurz, wie sich der Wissenschafter mit der
Bedienungsanleitung des Zero-G-Klos herumschlägt
In „Spaceballs“ sind die Pissoirs sogar mit Bild-Bordprechanlage ausgestattet.