VB/VBA Codezeile in jede Prozedur schreiben

Hallo Wissende,

ich häng da zwar in Excel-Vba dran, aber da ist kaum Excel dran, eher alles VB *schätz*

Im Endziel soll in alle Prozeduren eines Projektes das Gleiche eingefügt werden, oben
On Error Goto Errorhandler
unten dann
Call Globalerrorhandler(Prozedurname, Err)

Jetzt fand ich Code in die richtige Richtung, leider stimmt was innerhalb der MDL-Schleife nicht, denn der Code funktioniert nurv einaml, im Modul „DieseArbeitsmappe“ der fremden Mappe, er soll aber in alle Module und in alle Prozeduren etwas eintragen, im Beispiel
den Konstantenname.

„FehlerKonstanteTest.xls“ ist nur eine test.xls mit paar Modulen und prozeduren. IN VB kann man da ja ein anderes projekt nehmen.

Danke ^ Gruß

In Modul1:

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
' By Chip Pearson, www.cpearson.com, [email protected]
Private Const C\_MSGBOX\_TITLE = "Insert Procedure Names"
Private Const C\_VBE\_CONST\_TAG = "\_\_INSERTCONSTLINE\_\_"
Private Const C\_VBE\_INSERT\_MENU As Long = 30005

Sub KonstanteEinfuegen()
'Verweis auf Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
Dim wkb As Workbook
Set wkb = Workbooks("FehlerKonstanteTest.xls")
Call InsertProcedureNameIntoProcedures(wkb)
End Sub

Sub InsertProcedureNameIntoProcedures(ByRef wkb As Workbook)
'Verweis auf Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
Const C\_PROC\_NAME = "InsertProcedureNameIntoProcedure"
Dim ProcName As String, ProcLine As String, ProcType As VBIDE.vbext\_ProcKind
Dim StartLine As Long, Msg As String, VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule, Ndx As Long, Res As Variant
Dim Done As Boolean, ProcBodyLine As Long, SaveProcName As String
Dim ConstName As String, ValidConstName As Boolean, ConstAtLine As Long
Dim EndOfDeclaration As Long, Mdl
With wkb
 If .VBProject.Protection = vbext\_pp\_locked Then
 MsgBox "Der Code von" & vbCr & wkb & vbCr & "ist geperrt."
 Exit Sub
 End If
 ConstName = InputBox(prompt:="Enter a constant name (e.g. 'C\_PROC\_NAME') that will be used as " & vbCrLf & \_
 "the constant in which to store the procedure name.", Title:=C\_MSGBOX\_TITLE)
 If Trim(ConstName) = vbNullString Then
 Exit Sub
 End If
 If IsValidConstantName(ConstName) = False Then
 MsgBox "The constant name: '" & ConstName & "' is invalid.", vbOKOnly, C\_MSGBOX\_TITLE
 Exit Sub
 End If
 For Each Mdl In .VBProject.VBComponents
 MsgBox Mdl.Name
 Set CodeMod = Mdl.CodeModule
 StartLine = CodeMod.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
 ProcName = CodeMod.ProcOfLine(StartLine, ProcType)
 SaveProcName = ProcName
 Do Until Done
 ProcBodyLine = CodeMod.ProcBodyLine(ProcName, ProcType)
 ConstAtLine = ConstNameInProcedure(ConstName, CodeMod, ProcName, ProcType)
 If ConstAtLine \> 0 Then
 CodeMod.DeleteLines ConstAtLine, 1
 CodeMod.InsertLines ConstAtLine, "CONST " & ConstName & " = " & Chr(34) & ProcName & Chr(34)
 EndOfDeclaration = EndOfDeclarationLines(CodeMod, ProcName, ProcType)
 ProcLine = EndOfCommentOfProc(CodeMod, EndOfDeclaration + 1)
 CodeMod.InsertLines ProcLine + 1, "CONST " & ConstName & " = " & Chr(34) & ProcName & Chr(34)
 End If
 StartLine = ProcBodyLine + CodeMod.ProcCountLines(ProcName, ProcType) + 1
 ProcName = CodeMod.ProcOfLine(StartLine, ProcType)
 If ProcName = SaveProcName Then
 Done = True
 SaveProcName = ProcName
 End If
 Next Mdl
End With
End Sub

Function EndOfCommentOfProc(CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule, ProcBodyLine As Long) As Long
Dim Done As Boolean, LineNum As String, LineText As String
 LineNum = ProcBodyLine
 Do Until Done
 LineNum = LineNum + 1
 LineText = CodeMod.Lines(LineNum, 1)
 If Left(Trim(LineText), 1) = "'" Then
 Done = False
 Done = True
 End If
 EndOfCommentOfProc = LineNum - 1
End Function

Function IsValidConstantName(ConstName As String) As Boolean
Const C\_PROC\_NAME = "IsValidConstantName"
Dim C As String, N As Long, CAsc As Integer
If InStr(1, ConstName, " ") \> 0 Then
 IsValidConstantName = False
 Exit Function
End If
If IsNumeric(Left(ConstName, 1)) = True Then
 IsValidConstantName = False
 Exit Function
End If
For N = 2 To Len(ConstName)
 C = Mid(ConstName, N, 1)
 CAsc = Asc(C)
 Select Case CAsc
 Case Asc("a") To Asc("z")
 Case Asc("A") To Asc("Z")
 Case Asc("0") To Asc("9")
 Case Asc("\_")
 Case Else
 IsValidConstantName = False
 Exit Function
 End Select
Next N
IsValidConstantName = True
End Function

Function ConstNameInProcedure(ConstName As String, CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule, \_
 ProcName As String, ProcType As VBIDE.vbext\_ProcKind) As Long
Const C\_PROC\_NAME = "ConstNameInProcedure"
Dim LineNum As Long, LineText As String, ProcBodyLine As Long
ProcBodyLine = CodeMod.ProcBodyLine(ProcName, ProcType)
For LineNum = ProcBodyLine To ProcBodyLine + CodeMod.ProcCountLines(ProcName, ProcType)
 LineText = CodeMod.Lines(LineNum, 1)
 If InStr(LineText, " " & ConstName & " ") \> 0 Then
 ConstNameInProcedure = LineNum
 Exit Function
 End If
Next LineNum
End Function

Function EndOfDeclarationLines(CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule, ProcName As String, \_
ProcType As VBIDE.vbext\_ProcKind) As Long
Const C\_PROC\_NAME = "EndOfDeclarationLines"
Dim LineNum As Long, LineText As String
LineNum = CodeMod.ProcBodyLine(ProcName, ProcType)
Do Until Right(CodeMod.Lines(LineNum, 1), 1) "\_"
 LineNum = LineNum + 1
EndOfDeclarationLines = LineNum
End Function


genau hierzu stellt dir der VBA-Editor das „Kommentierungs- und Fehlerbehandlungs-AddIn“ zur Verfuegung.

Unter Menupunkt „Add-Ins“, ewt. musst du das Modul zuerst ueber den Manager aktivieren. Dann kannst du in diesem Modul den Text der einfuegt werden soll an deine Anspruche anpassen.


genau hierzu stellt dir der VBA-Editor das „Kommentierungs-
und Fehlerbehandlungs-AddIn“ zur Verfuegung.

Hallo Peter,

von welcher Excelversion sprichst du?
Hat die evtl. xla die sich dahinter verbirgt auch einen namen bei dir?
Internetrecherche ergab nix.
Auch nicht nach
vb konvertierung Fehlerbehandlung Add in
vb konvertierung Fehlerbehandlung xla

Da fand ich irgendwie was selbst gebasteltes bzw. käufliches für Access:frowning:



bei mir handelt es sich um Excel/Access 2002 bzw 2003.

Da gibts den Menupunkt „Add-Ins“ im VBA-Editor!
