Verbindung beenden?

Wie zum teufel nochmal kann ich eine Internetverbindung canceln? Bestimmt gibts da keinen direktwn Befehl, aber mit einer Prozedur müsste es doch irgendwie machbar sein!


=) C.M.

ich zitiere…(mal wieder…)

Use the RAS api. Specifically RasHangup function. You need a handle on the
active connection. To get one, call RasEnumConnections. RAS api is
documented in SDK Windows help file which comes with Delphi but there is no
ras.pas unit. You can get one from my website at It is located in RasDial project
(freeware with full source code). Use my code as a sample application and
reuse my ras.pas unit in your own application.

[email protected]
The author for the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)