kann mir jemand sagen, was der Unterschied zwischen „approval“ und „admiration“ ist?
Ich lese gerade ein Buch , in dem es ganz grob um Charaktereigenschaften geht, die man sich im Umgang mit anderen Menschen aneignen soll. Bei einer Auflistung von entscheidenden Charaktereigenschaften werden „approval“ und „admiration“ als eigenständige Punkte genannt.
Mich würde interessieren, was eigentlich überhaupt der Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Wörtern ist.
Zum genaueren Vertständnis habe ich die Textpassagen eingefügt.
Approval :It is said that „babies cry for it, men die for it.“ Throughout life, all humans have a deep subconscious need for approval of their actions and accomplishments. No amount of approval ever satisfies for long. The need is ongoing, like the need for food and rest. People who continually seek oportunities to express approval are welcome wherever they go.
Perhaps the best definition of approval is „praise“. This subject is so important that we will come back to it later. Just remember, whenever you praise other people for something they have done, their-self-esteem is elevated. they feel wonderful about themselves. And they find you to be more interesting, perceptive, highly likable, and extremely charming.
Admiration : As Abraham Lincoln said, „Everybody likes a compliment.“ When you give people a genuine, sincere compliment about a trait, posession, or accomplishment, they automatically feel better about themselves. They feel feel acknowledged and recognized They feel valuable and important. They like themselves more, and they like you more.
Compliment a person on an article of clothing. Compliment someone on a trait, like punctuality or persistence. Compliment for small things as well as large. Always be looking for something to compliment, and each time you find something, the other person will like you more and find you to be charming.
Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe im voraus!