Welche Bilder? Welche Songlines? Vor allem: welche Ethnie? „Die“ Aborigines gibt es nicht, es handelt sich dabei um diverse, teilweise höchst unterschiedliche Ethnien - die heutzutage überdies nahezu alle hervorragend Englisch sprechen und selbst über ihre Kunst Auskunft geben können.
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Indigenous Australian art includes art made by Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia, including collaborations with others. It includes works in a wide range of media including painting on leaves, bark painting, wood carving, rock carving, watercolour painting, sculpting, ceremonial clothing and sand painting; art by Indigenous Australians that pre-dates European colonisation by thousands of years, up to the present day.
There are several types of and methods u...
A songline, also called dreaming track, is one of the paths across the land (or sometimes the sky) within the animist belief system of Aboriginal Australians, which mark the route followed by localised "creator-beings" during the Dreaming. The paths of the songlines are recorded in traditional song cycles, stories, dance, and art, and are often the basis of ceremonies. They are a vital part of Aboriginal culture, connecting people to their land.
The Dreaming, or the Dreamtime, has been descri...