Wo kann ich meine Bachelorarbeit Biologie im

… Ausland schreiben?
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Ausland schreibt man groß, Frankreich auch.

… Ausland schreiben?
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Hi there,
I am not sure if I understand your question:
Do u mean u studied Biology in Germany and for the Bachelor work u want to perform those abroad?
Or do you want to study Biology leading to a Bachelors degree abroad?
Please clarify.

… Ausland schreiben?
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Sorry, da kenne ich mich nicht aus. Ich würde auf jeden Fall auf der Website des DAAD recherchieren, da gibt es alle möglichen Infos zum Studium im Ausland, zu Fragen der Anerkennung von Abschlüssen und zu Stipendien, etc.: www.daad.de

Außerdem könnte doch die Fakultät weiterhelfen oder deine Uni kooperiert mit anderen Unis im Ausland? Häufig gibt es Absprachen zwischen den Partneruniversitäten in Deutschland und im Ausland…

Viel Erfolg,


… Ausland schreiben?
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I am already studying in Germany, but I would like to do my bachelor work abroad.

ok, danke für die Antwort :wink:

OK. So you want to do the practical work abroad but want submit it in Germany?
In that case I would talk to every professor in your university and see to which university abroad they have connections. Sometimes they did their post doc in the US and than come back for a position in Germany. So they can get you in touch with other professors and groups abroad. Or they collaborate with other universities and exchange students for some projects.
That would be my first start.

Its also a question of money. Do you need support from the foreign universitythen that will not be easy. But you can try to get a fellowship from the AAD (Akademischer Austauch Dienst?) or are you member of the GBS or GBF (German Biological Society?). Perhaps you can see if they offer felloships for projects in your area. Then it is easier to select a group who does your kind of research, tell them you like to do your bachelor work with them and bring your fellowship with you. But the defense of the Bachelor work has to be in Germany. So you need to make sure you have a Prof who is on your side accepting your work.
I guess going abroad and making the bachelors abroad will only work if all your studies from Germany will be accepted…you may have to take some courses abroad to qualify for doing the bachelors outside Germany.

Does this help?

Which University are you attending and what is your speciality/interest?

I am already studying in Germany, but I would like to do my
bachelor work abroad.

Leider kann ich Dir da auch nicht weiterhelfen. Vielleicht versuchst Du es bei der Hochschule, welche einen solchen Studiengang anbieten.
Lieben Gruß und viel Erfolg

… Ausland schreiben?
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