Zeitschrift / Buch in Ethnologie gesucht

I misplaced a journal and cannot remember its name. I desperately need to find out what it’s called. The journal is about European ethnology or ethnography (but it is not the journal with the Latin title and a subtitle something like Journal of European Ethnology). The „journal“ I am looking for had a hard cover. It was published recently (2000 or 2001; maybe one or two years earlier?) There is an article in it about the consequences of the loss of the other for anthropology. The author traces what he calls modernism from the 4th century in the Roman Empire. He starts his paper citing Ardener and also cites Sperber. His conclusion is a call for accepting that there are not universals except that all people(s) construct their identity in their settings. Can anyone give me the reference?
(I don’t have acccess to SSCI, so I can’t try that route.)


Hallo Kim,

versuch`s doch mal beim Institut für europäische Ethnologie an der HU Berlin


viel Glück


Danke, Iris.

Ich hab’ es inzwischen gefunden:

Anthropological journal on European cultures.
