Zitattext in einer anderen Farbe?

Hallo, ich hätte gerne, dass der $reply Text in einer anderen Farbe dargestellt wird, als der aktuelle Nachrichtentext; kann mir hierbei jmd. helfen?

<?php / ************************************* /
/\* Original script \*/ /\* Written by Zeggy \*/ /\* \*/ /\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/ include("lib.php"); define("PAGENAME", "Mail"); $player = check\_user($secret\_key, $db); //$db-\>EXECUTE("set names 'utf8'"); // Pagination variables $limit = 14; // Set the amount per page $page\_max = 10; // max amount of pagination pages shown $page = (intval($\_GET['p']) == 0)?1:intval($\_GET['p']); //Start on page 1 or $\_GET['p'] $begin = ($limit \* $page) - $limit; //Starting point for query $total\_mails = $db-\>getone ("select count(to) as `count` from `mail` where 'to'=?", array($player-\>id)); $numpages = ceil($total\_mails / $limit); //$lastpage = (($total\_mails - $limit) "; $errors = 0; if ($\_POST['sendmail']) { //Process mail info, show success message $query = $db-\>execute("select `id` from `players` where `username`=?", array($\_POST['to'])); if ($query-\>recordcount() == 0) { $errormsg .= "Diesen Spieler gibt es nicht! "; $errors = 1; } if (!$\_POST['body']) { $errormsg .= "Eine Nachricht solltest Du schon eingeben! "; $errors = 1; } if ($errors != 1) { $sendto = $query-\>fetchrow(); $insert['to'] = $sendto['id']; $insert['from'] = $player-\>id; $insert['body'] = $\_POST['body']; //$insert['body'] = str\_replace("&", "&", $insert['body']); //$insert['body'] = str\_replace("", "\>", $insert['body']); //$insert['body'] = str\_replace("\"", """, $insert['body']); //$insert['body'] = str\_replace("\>", "\>", $insert['body']); //Hehe, found an easier way of doing that ^ with htmlentities(): $insert['body'] = htmlentities($\_POST['body'], ENT\_QUOTES); //Smilie-Ersetzung!!! $insert['body'] = str\_replace(":\*", "", $insert['body']); // TEST // $insert['body'] = str\_replace($insert['body'], "" . $insert['body'] . "", $insert['body']); //$insert['body'] = (!get\_magic\_quotes\_gpc())?addslashes($insert['body']):blush:insert['body']; $insert['subject'] = ($\_POST['subject'] == "")?"...kein Betreff":blush:\_POST['subject']; //$insert['subject'] = (!get\_magic\_quotes\_gpc())?addslashes($insert['subject']):blush:insert['subject']; $insert['time'] = time(); // $db-\>EXECUTE("set names utf8"); $query = $db-\>execute("insert into `mail` (`to`, `from`, `body`, `subject`, `time`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($insert['to'], $insert['from'], $insert['body'], $insert['subject'], $insert['time'])); // $db-\>EXECUTE("set names utf8"); $query = $db-\>execute("insert into `mail_a` (`to`, `from`, `body`, `subject`, `time`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($insert['to'], $insert['from'], $insert['body'], $insert['subject'], $insert['time'])); //E-Mail Benachrichtigung $querymail = $db-\>execute("select `email` from `players` where `id`=?", array($insert['to'])); $mailaddy = substr($querymail,6); $subject = "Du hast eine neue Nachricht in XYZ"; $message = " Hallo ". $\_POST['to'] .", $player-\>username hat Dir in XYZ eine neue Nachricht geschrieben! Neugierig, was $player-\>username Dir mitzuteilen hat? Na dann nix wie auf nach XYZ :smiley: [http://www.XYZ.com](http://www.XYZ.com) Wir warten auf Dich! Gehabe Dich wohl (c; Ming"; $headers = "From: [[email protected]](mailto:stuck_out_tongue:[email protected])\r\nReply-To: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])"; mail( $mailaddy, $subject, $message, $headers ); if ($query) { include("templates/private\_header.php"); //HeaderPic echo ""; //MUSTER echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo "**|---Deine Nachricht wurde erfolgreich an " . $\_POST['to'] . " verschickt!---|**"; echo ' '; echo ''; echo "[zurück](mail.php)"; echo ''; echo ' '; //echo "Deine Nachricht wurde erfolgreich an " . $\_POST['to'] . " verschickt!"; include("templates/private\_footer.php"); exit; } else { $errormsg .= "Sorry, Deine Nachricht konnnte nicht verschickt werden."; //Add to admin error log, or whatever, maybe for another version :wink: } } } $errormsg .= " \n"; include("templates/private\_header.php"); //HeaderPic echo ""; ?\> function checkAll() { count = document.inbox.elements.length; for (i=0; i \< count; i++) { if(document.inbox.elements[i].checked == 1) {document.inbox.elements[i].checked = 0; document.inbox.check.checked=0;} else {document.inbox.elements[i].checked = 1; document.inbox.check.checked=1;} } } [Posteingang](mail.php) [Mail schreiben](mail.php?act=compose) <?php switch($_GET['act'])
{ case "read": //Reading a message $query = $db-\>execute("select `id`, `to`, `from`, `subject`, `body`, `time`, `status` from `mail` where `id`=? and `to`=?", array($\_GET['id'], $player-\>id)); if ($query-\>recordcount() == 1) { $msg = $query-\>fetchrow(); echo "\n"; echo " **an:** [" . $player-\>username . "](%255C%2522profile.php?id=%2522)\n"; $from = $db-\>GetOne("select `username` from `players` where `id`=?", array($msg['from'])); echo " **von:** [" . $from . "](%255C%2522profile.php?id=%2522)\n"; echo " **Datum:**" . date("d.m.Y, H:i", $msg['time']) . ""; echo " **Betreff:**" . stripslashes($msg['subject']) . ""; echo " **Nachricht:**" . stripslashes(nl2br($msg['body'])) . ""; echo ""; if ($msg['status'] == "unread") { $query = $db-\>execute("update `mail` set `status`='read' where `id`=?", array($msg['id'])); } echo " \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $reply = explode("\n", $msg['body']); foreach($reply as $key=\>$value) { $reply[$key] = "\>\>" . $value; } $reply = implode("\n", $reply); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } break; case "compose": //Composing mail (justt he form, processing is at the top of the page) echo $errormsg; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo " **an:** \n"; echo " **Betreff:** \n"; echo " **Nachricht:**"; echo ($\_POST['body'] != "")?stripslashes(stripslashes($\_POST['body'])):stripslashes(stripslashes($\_GET['body'])); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; break; case "delete": if ($\_POST['delone']) //Deleting message from viewing page, single delete { if (!$\_POST['id']) { echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo " **|---Du musst eine Nachricht auswählen!---|**"; echo ' '; } else { $query = $db-\>getone("select count(\*) as `count` from `mail` where `id`=? and `to`=?", array($\_POST['id'], $player-\>id)); if ($query['count'] = 0) { //In case there are some funny guys out there :wink: echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo " **|---Scherzkeks! Diese Nachricht gehört NICHT Dir!---|**"; echo ' '; } else { if (!$\_POST['deltwo']) { echo " Bist Du sicher, dass Du diese Nachricht(en) löschen möchtest? \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; ?\> echo "[Lieber doch nicht!](%255C%2522mail.php%255C%2522) "; echo ""; } else { $query = $db-\>execute("delete from `mail` where `id`=?", array($\_POST['id'])); echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo "**|---Die Nachricht(en) wurde(n) erfolgreich gelöscht!---|**"; echo ' '; //Redirect back to inbox, or show success message //Can be changed in the admin panel } } } } else if ($\_POST['delmultiple']) //Deleting messages from inbox, multiple selections { if (!$\_POST['id']) { echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo " **|---Du musst eine Nachricht auswählen!---|**"; echo ' '; } else { foreach($\_POST['id'] as $msg) { $query = $db-\>getone("select count(\*) as `count` from `mail` where `id`=? and `to`=?", array($msg, $player-\>id)); if ($query['count'] = 0) { //In case there are some funny guys out there :wink: echo "Diese Nachrichten gehören nicht Dir"; $delerror = 1; } } if (!$delerror) { if (!$\_POST['deltwo']) { echo " Bist Du sicher, dass Du diese Nachrichten löschen möchtest? \n"; echo "\n"; foreach($\_POST['id'] as $msg) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; ?\> echo "[Lieber doch nicht!](%255C%2522mail.php%255C%2522) "; echo ""; } else { foreach($\_POST['id'] as $msg) { $query = $db-\>execute("delete from `mail` where `id`=?", array($msg)); } echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo "**|---Die Nachricht(en) wurde(n) erfolgreich gelöscht!---|**"; echo ' '; //Redirect back to inbox, or show success message //Can be changed in the admin panel (TODO) } } } } break; default: //Show inbox echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "alle löschen\n"; echo " **von** \n"; echo " **Betreff** \n"; echo " **Datum** \n"; echo "\n"; $query = $db-\>execute("SELECT \* FROM `mail` where `to`=? order by `time` DESC, subject LIMIT ?,?", array($player-\>id, $begin, $limit)); if ($query-\>recordcount() \> 0) { $bool = 1; while($msg = $query-\>fetchrow()) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $from = $db-\>GetOne("select `username` from `players` where `id`=?", array($msg['from'])); echo ""; //echo ($msg['status'] == "unread")?"**":""; echo "[" . $from . "](%255C%2522profile.php?id=%2522)"; //echo ($msg['status'] == "unread")?"**":""; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ($msg['status'] == "unread")?" ":""; //echo ($msg['status'] == "unread")?"**":""; echo "[" . stripslashes($msg['subject']) . "](%255C%2522mail.php?act=read&id=%2522)"; //echo ($msg['status'] == "unread")?"**":""; echo "\n"; echo "" . date("d.m.Y, H:i", $msg['time']) . "\n"; echo "\n"; $bool = ($bool==1)?2:1; } } else { echo "\n"; echo "**Keine (weiteren) Nachrichten vorhanden**\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; break; } //Start of Pagination echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; //Display 'Previous' link echo ""; echo "[◄](mail.php?p=%2522)"; echo "[-1-](mail.php?p=1)"; echo "[-2-](mail.php?p=2)"; echo "[-3-](mail.php?p=3)"; echo "[-4-](mail.php?p=4)"; echo "[-5-](mail.php?p=5)"; echo "[-6-](mail.php?p=6)"; echo "[-7-](mail.php?p=7)"; echo "[-8-](mail.php?p=8)"; echo "[-9-](mail.php?p=9)"; echo "[-10-](mail.php?p=10)"; echo "[►](mail.php?p=%2522)"; echo ""; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; // End of Pagination include("templates/private\_footer.php"); ?\> Besten Dank fürs Kopfzerbrechen^^ LG Ming

…wirklich keiner eine Idee?¿?


…wirklich keiner eine Idee?¿?

Glaubst Du ernsthaft, dass sich hier jemand geschätzte 500 Zeilen Code durchliest?

Cheers, Felix

…„glauben“ nicht wirklich, aber hoffen!

…würde ich nur die betreffenden Zeilen hier posten, kämen verm. unbrauchbare Lösungsvorschläge oder Rückfragen wie z. B.: „Woher sollen wir wissen in welcher Umgebung die Codefetzen laufen?“ :wink:

Aber wenn Du meinst es könnte helfen und das Nutzen der SuFu nach Schlüsselwürtern wie z. B. „$reply“ den Helfenwollenden nichts bringt, hier die Kurzversion:

echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
$reply = explode("\n", $msg[‚body‘]);
foreach($reply as $key=>$value)
$reply[$key] = „>>“ . $value;
$reply = implode("\n", $reply);
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;
echo „\n“;

…würde mich freuen nun mehr Erfolg mit der Behebung meines Problemes zu haben^^

FG Ming