laut Yahoo-news:
haben die Israelis eine Spezialeinheit
in libanesischen Uniformen mit
Kampfauftrag in die Nähe von Baalbeck
geschickt. Sie sollten „Sheikh Yazbek“
Es hat nicht geklappt. Eine Hisbollah-
Patroullie stoppte den Wagen trotzdem.
ein israelischer Offizier starb, mehrere
wurden verwundet:
The dawn battle between Israeli soldiers and Hezbollah
guerrillas took place just a few hundred meters (yards)
Late Friday, under cover of darkness and shielded by
warplanes launching mock air raids, Israeli helicopters
landed two Humvees near the eastern town of Baalbek some 20
kilometers (12 miles) from Buday.
The vehicles were painted in Lebanese army colors and the
Israeli soldiers were wearing Lebanese army uniforms, so
the Israeli soldiers were able to move freely for several
hours, residents say.
But on the outskirts of Buday, Hezbollah guerrillas were
maintaining a strict patrol, and they stopped the Israeli
After brief questioning, the Israeli soldiers responded
in Arabic that they were on the same side.
Their unusual accents gave them away. The Hezbollah watchman
sounded the alarm and the clash erupted.
Hezbollah fighters then rushed in from throughout the
surrounding areas, says Suheil Qana, 37, who says he
slept with his Kalashnikov in his hand to be ready to
defend his family.
So sorgt man für Frieden in der Region,
schon klar. Was kommt als nächstes?
Israelis in Deutschland mit arabischen
Pässen und Turbanen?