da der Tenor dieses Threads- und wohl auch schon des Ausgangspostings- in erster Linie darin bestand zu zeigen, dass die Kritik am Krisenmanagement der US-Regierung anläßlich der Katastrophe in New Orleans ein Zeichen von Antiamerikanismus sei, möchte ich doch einmal daran erinnern, dass
- NRW mit New Orleans vollkommen unvergleichbar ist (das hat Phoebe ja auch schon herausgestellt, und zwar sogar aus der Sicht der Betroffenen)
und vor allem
- dass diese Kritik am US-Krisenmanagement nicht bloß von Deutschen oder Europäern geübt wurde, sondern in erster Linie von US-Amerikanern selbst!
wers nicht glauben will, kann beispielsweise eine Erklärung des Fernand-Braudel-Centers der Binghamton University nachlesen:
wer nicht nachlesen will, sich aber für die Kritikpunkte interessiert, einige Auszüge:
The entire world has been following with stupefaction the incredible performance of the U.S. federal government’s response to the physical and human disaster of the hurricane Katrina.
The general reaction has been to ask how could the government of the richest and most powerful country in the world have reacted to this disaster as poorly as, or even much less well than, governments of poor Third World countries?
The initial reaction of George W. Bush to Katrina was to say, how could anyone have predicted that the levees would be breached and 80% of the city of New Orleans flooded? As a matter of fact, the Houston Chronicle predicted it in 2001. The New Orleans Times-Picayune predicted it in 2002. And the National Geographic, one of America’s most widely-read magazines (and one totally apolitical), predicted it in 2004. As a matter of fact as well, such a catastrophe was listed in documents of the government published during Bush’s own presidency as one of three potential major catastrophes that were quite possible.
As everyone knows now very well, only 80% of the residents had the car and the money with which to evacuate. Did the U.S. government think urgently to send in buses before the storm hit and the levees broke, in order to evacuate the other 20 percent? Of course not.
Ten days after the crisis began, the government seemed to get its act together somewhat, but ten days is a long time. This long delay was however not accidental. It is the direct result of how the Bush regime operates --poor judgment and active indifference
… that Bush and all his appointees were deeply suspicious of the political tendencies of the experienced bureaucrats in the government agencies. They ignored them , they intimidated them, they overruled them regularly. And so these skilled bureaucrats tended to resign. It has been a veritable exodus, not least in the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), the agency in charge of handling such disasters. And this is of course part, a large part, of the explanation of why FEMA did such a bad job
… the victims , who are suffering in multiple ways and are likely to suffer for some time to come, since they are scattered across the country, without money or jobs or homes.
When El Salvador had to offer troops to help restore order in New Orleans because U.S. troops were so scarce and so slow in arriving
WELCHER dieser Punkte hat mit Antiamerikanismus zu tun, und WELCHES der angesprochenen Ereingnisse hat in NRW auch stattgefunden?
Viele Grüße